From ABC News! (Or am I hallucinating?)


<>Experts Say Past Nonprofit 
Co-Ops Could Not, or Would Not, Compete With Private Insurers

ABC News Medical Unit

Murmurs from the White House that the 
insurance option could be negotiated or even dropped from President 
Obama's health care reform plan in favor of nonprofit cooperatives 
has left the medical community abuzz and the public a bit confused.

The talk started Saturday after Obama indicated during a town hall 
meeting in Colorado that publically funded health insurance was not 
the centerpiece of his reform plan but "only a sliver" of the 
solution. And on Sunday, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen 
Sebelius said that co-ops are being considered as an alternative way 
to fulfill the president's goal of creating more competition in the 
health insurance industry.

Many policy experts, however, don't see co-ops as a simple substitute 
for the public option.

"Starting up new co-ops across the country that would effectively 
compete with the mammoth insurers," said Timothy Jost, a health law 
expert and professor at the Washington and Lee University School of 
Law, "is like expecting people to start up electric companies in 
their garages to compete with the dominant regional power company."

"The public plan is not vital to covering the uninsured," Jost added, 
but he said using government money to subsidize the uninsured 
coverage through private insurers "would be like the federal 
government abandoning the post office and rather paying subsidies for 
everyone to use Fed Ex. Without any competition, anyone to keep them 
honest, insurance premiums will go through the roof, and with them 
the federal deficit."

While politicians are digesting the apparent new turn in 
the <>health 
care debate, doctors and public health experts have gone to great 
lengths to define the difference between a public option and a co-op 
and what it means for patients.

What is a 'Public Option'?

The "public option" is a proposal to create a new government 
insurance program similar to other government insurance programs such 
as Medicare, Medicaid or the Veterans health care system.

But instead of offering the insurance to a select group -- such as 
the elderly in Medicare, or poor families as in Medicaid -- the idea 
would be to offer 
the <>government 
insurance program to a wide swath of the public.

Critics of the public option say it would lead to government 
rationing of health care, a government takeover of health care that 
would compete unfairly with the private insurance market.

Losing the Public Option: What It Means

Health professionals' opinions about the massive health care reform 
proposal have varied widely across the country, especially on whether 
the bill would result in the government insurance plan negotiating 
lower pay for doctors.

"Without a public option, there will be no effective cost-control 
mechanism in the health care reform package," said Dr. Daniel 
Blumenthal, associate dean for Community Health at the Morehouse 
School of Medicine in Atlanta.

"Recall that we already pay over twice as much per capita for health 
care as people in any other developed country. Without cost control, 
health care reform will implode in a few years," added Blumenthal.

Paul Duncan, professor in the department of Health Services Research, 
Management and Policy at the University of Florida in Gainesville, 
agreed that the public option was a way to drive down costs, 
especially health insurance costs.

"The abject, 50-year failure of the private sector to contain costs 
and broaden the base of those covered has been so obvious, complete 
and certain for a half-century, that a 'reformed' system without a 
public option is almost certain to continue that failure," said 

But not all doctors agreed that Americans would lose out if the White 
House dropped the public insurance plan option.

"The public plan, I fear, has come to be viewed as a gimmick, one 
that would save money by paying lower prices to doctors and 
hospitals. Doctors and hospitals don't want that, and private 
insurers agree with them," said Alan Sager, professor of Health 
Policy and Management at the Boston University School of Public 

"The public plan in the House bill is already too weak to have much 
effect on costs, since it isn't an option for most of the privately 
insured population," said Joe White, the Luxenberg Family Professor 
of Public Policy at Case Western Reserve University.

Alternatively, White said an "all-payer rate-setting would provide 
savings for all the employer-sponsored insurance, so would have much 
greater immediate effects."

Yet doctors and public health experts also saw the potential loss of 
a public health insurance plan as a gain for health insurers more 
than anything else.

"Nobody will benefit from dropping the public option except for 
health insurance companies," said Blumenthal. "The fact that the 
public option is now on the chopping block is not a reflection of 
public opinion -- it is a reflection of the power of health insurance 

Others say the public option for health insurance had so little 
potential to begin with that by dropping it, the nation would not 
really lose anything at all.

"Nothing will be lost. The public option would have been a nightmare 
to design and administer," said David Dranove, the Walter McNerney 
Distinguished Professor of Health Industry Management at Northwestern 

Dranove, however, wasn't a fan of the alternative co-ops either. 
According to Dranove, state experiments with non-profit co-ops that 
would have been a testing ground for a federal option have failed to 
get off the ground.

"Every state has tried to run something akin to a nonprofit co-op, 
albeit usually with an emphasis on serving small business or high 
risk enrollees. Total enrollments nationwide are about 200,000,"said 
Dranove. "Enough said about their success."

What Is a Co-Op?

Essentially, a nonprofit insurance co-op is a company owned by its 
members -- the same people who are insured by the company.

Whereas private insurers must answer to the investors who own stock 
in the company whether the investors get their health insurance from 
the private company or not, a nonprofit co-op answers its members.

Few details have emerged about the nonprofit co-ops discussed in the 
Senate Finance Committee, but it is generally assumed that the 
government would spend the money to get the co-ops started and then 
turn them over to the members.

But for many doctors waiting to hear the end result of reform 
discussions, the devil is in the details.

"It's somewhat difficult to comment on the specifics of the 'co-op' 
option until we see the details. A critical issue will be whether the 
co-ops will be nationally based, state-based, or both," said Dr. Tim 
Carey, at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.

Carey explained that state-based co-ops would have "local 
responsiveness," but would have a difficult time competing with large 
health insurers and would therefore be ineffective at driving down 
insurance costs.

"We do have a long history of co-ops in the U.S., but their role has 
been somewhat limited. Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound is the 
most frequently cited example, and has a track record of community 
responsiveness, high quality care, and solvency," said Carey.

The Co-Op: A Healthy Alternative?

While a few, small, non-profit co-ops have been successful, many 
doctors worried that the country lacked funds to build a nonprofit 
system enough to compete with private health insurers.

"A lot depends on the details of how the coops are set up (federal, 
state or local level) and the regulatory environment that is created 
by the health reform legislation," said Pauline Vaillancourt Rosenau, 
a professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center School 
of Public Health in Houston.

"Obtaining start-up funds and building an infrastructure from scratch 
may be insurmountable obstacles," she said.

Even if the government did find the funds to set up co-ops, other 
doctors worried that the nonprofit co-ops would want to become 
private insurance companies like successful co-ops before them.

"We once had private nonprofit insurance cooperatives. They were 
called Blue Cross Blue Shield -- legally owned by their members and 
therefore coops really," said Uwe Reinhardt, a professor of Economics 
and Public Affairs at Princeton University.

"Most of them have gone for profit on the ground that, to compete 
with commercial insurers, they must have access to the public equity 
market. That's the ostensible rationale, which I found unconvincing. 
These entities are so cash rich that they hardly ever need to go to 
the equity market to sell equity in return for cash," he said.

Reinhardt predicted that if Congress sets up co-op insurers, in a few 
years "their executives will clamor to convert them to regular 
commercial insurers, like Aetna and WellPoint."

"One does not have to be a cynic to see that one coming," he said.

In the meantime, America is waiting for Congress to return from the 
August recess.

ABC News' Dan Childs contributed to this report.


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