From Robert Glenn Plotner:

In 2004/2005 while auditing election results, I suddenly found my 
access blocked to government websites containing election returns as 
well as election reform websites. No other sites were
affected. I documented the problems. Different browsers. Different 
computers. Cache cleared,
Router rebooted. Though I posted about the issue, no one seemed to 
take it seriously (even at DU). After all it sounds paranoid, or 
merely like a glitch of some kind. But when I connected the same 
computer through a different ISP, it connected immediately. That made 
me suspect that BellSouth (now AT&T) & the Bush cronies were up to 
something criminal. Of course, we later found out
that they were actively engaged in doing exactly that and more.

Recently, I added my voice to the Glenn Beck/Fox News boycott by 
adding a Facebook "Cause" page. It's just riding the coattails of an 
already established movement, but it is helping to grow
FB member support. And now, it's happening again. Suddenly, I am 
unable to connect to Facebook from home computers over AT&T. Same 
measures to clear the cache, reboot the router, try
different browsers, etc. It seems only Facebook is effected at this 
point. I can log on to Facebook,
just not from this connection. I do know that AT&T is partnered with 
Fox in many ways. The question is, does this stem from AT&T using 
their still installed Bush free speech filters, or am I missing some 
other scenario or technical issue? I don't know. Suggestions 

[I asked Robert for permission to send out his email. He replied as 

Yes, it's okay.

I confirmed my suspicions by further going through an anonymous proxy 
server to hide my IP.
Using a proxy, Facebook is immediately available to all of my home 
computers! But, switching
back to go through AT&T's servers, I'm instantly blocked again. Are 
they still using Bush's eavesdropping program to monitor their users, 
or is this just basic site blocking akin to what an employer would do?

AT&T certainly attempted to write such actions into their terms of 
service in 2007 when they
issued a take-it-or-leave-it agreement stating that "AT&T may 
immediately terminate or suspend
all or a portion of your Service, any Member ID, electronic mail 
address, IP address, Universal
Resource Locator or domain name used by you, without notice for 
conduct that AT&T believes... tends to damage the name or reputation 
of AT&T, or its parents, affiliates and subsidiaries."
Public outcry made them rescind their wholly anti-American campaign 
to limit speech,
information, and thought, but apparently that was a ruse.

I spent the morning switching ISP's and phone accounts. I'll have to 
wait for the tech's to come
out before I'm fully able to switch over. I'm honestly dumbfounded. 
While I try to add my voice
to political debate and step up when called, I'm not a full-time 
activist. The last time I was able to check, all of 277 FB users 
signed the petition regarding Beck from my FB Cause page in the few 
days since I added it to the coattails of a much larger movement. 
It's a drop in the bucket, but a
drop to which some speech monitor seems especially sensitive. Is AT&T 
invested in a Glenn
Beck version of a former America? I wish somehow that this was 
something else, but my previous experience tells me it is probably 


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