[36] You can just go and shag yourself then
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
Possible Utd transfer target Frederick Kanoute basically blows any chances of that out 
of the water with this pile of shite. "I don't really like the North. It's always 
raining, it's really cold and I don't like all those little houses".

[35] Leading Premiership scorers
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
FA CARLING PREMIERSHIP: 17 Sheringham (Man Utd); Stewart (Ipswich). 
16 Hasselbaink (Chelsea). 15 Heskey (Liverpool. 14 Henry (Arsenal); 
Phillips (Sunderland); Viduka (Leeds). 13 Johansson (Charlton). 12 
Wanchope (Man City). 11 Bartlett (Charlton, 9 for FC Zurich); Owen 
(Liverpool); Solskjaer (Man Utd). 10 Beattie (Southampton); Boksic 
(Middlesbrough). Christie (Derby).  

[34] Got to be an Arse player or Scouser
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
One leading England player told Sports Mirror yesterday: "With due respect to  David 
Beckham, what credentials does he have to lead his country?  He has little experience 
and isn't even considered ready for the job  at Manchester United.  There are far more 
established players ahead of him, some with vast  experience at club level who command 
widespread respect throughout  the ranks.  I am not knocking his future potential to 
lead the country because  I'm sure his time will come. But it's too early now. If you 
were to  survey the current squad of England players, Tony Adams would get most 

Jealousy of the highest order.

[33] United Review makes plea
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
To stop singing the Russian submarine song.

The club in Saturday's match programme: "This is a wholly  inappropriate link and one 
most United supporters find distasteful  and short on humour.  "Let us not forget a 
British recue team lent their expertise in the  attempt to save the trapped sailors.  
It is not beyond the realms of possibility that at least one of  those involved in the 
rescue mission was a United supporter. How  would they react to hearing their fellow 
fans singing this song?" 

[32] Shotgun on Bosnich
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
Gregory said: "I was devastated to lose Bosnich.  He's a great keeper and I thought 
he'd be a huge success at  Manchester United. I'm very surprised it didn't work out.  
It's an inspired signing for Chelsea as he's a brilliant keeper. And  it will give him 
what he needs - top-class action again." 

[31] Bosnich could have joined R.Boys earlier
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Chelsea bid for me three years ago. I had another  two years on my contract but I was 
desperate to go. Although I'd  played in two great teams that had won the League Cup I 
couldn't see  Villa progressing much further."

[30] massive attempt to stop hoaxes
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From the Mirror: 'A FOOL-PROOF method of ridding radio phone-ins of phoney callers is 
> to make everyone who takes part give their age and the team they  support, then ask 
>a simple question about their formative years as a  fan.  If a man came on the 
>midweek 606 show claiming to be a 51-year-old  Chelsea fan, you could ask him to name 
>the three pivotal figures at his club in the early 60s.'

Well, considering the show is usually fronted by people clueless about today's 
football beating the questioners should be fairly easy to the Reds who keep getting on.

[29] Sven's assistant happy with Cole
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
Grip said: "Alan Shearer has always been the man in front of Andy  Cole, so it has 
been difficult for him with England. In the games he  has been involved in he has not 
started that many.  Now Shearer has retired we have to try to find another goalscorer. 
 Cole is one. He is also a hard worker.  This is the first time I have seen him live 
at Old Trafford. He has  been out with an injury for a long time but he looked very 
sharp when he came on." 

[28] Wenger backs Adams
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
Over his decision to spit out his dummy now Becks is captain?

"It's a wise decision for him, health and body wise. Even if you have no problems with 
your health it is a very demanding job now to play at international and club level. 
And Tony has had some health problems. If he'd carried on he would have had to play 
another two years because of the World Cup and that may have been a little bit much. 
Arsenal will benefit from it. Tony has gone through a lot of pain in his career for 
both club and country because he is such a committed player.

But it is a blow for England because his tactical knowledge"

(what, hands up everyone)

"...and abilities will be missed. I've said before that to find a replacement for Tony 
at club level is impossible and it will be the same for England. He is a one-off."

[27] Will cheeky Arse be spanked?
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by redend:
Arsenal were up to their usual tricks with aggor kicking off all over the park at 
Filbert Street. Will the FA take any action against them? The most likely response is 
they'll dock points from United.

Muzzy Izzet was taken off on a stretcher wearing a neck brace after clashing with Lee 
Dixon in the second half. 

Next Patrick Vieira was fortunate to stay on the field with a high challenge on 
Savage. [Was it like last time when he was falling over and using a kick to an 
opponents throat to help him find his balance?]

Then, when Sturridge appeared to have a free run on goal, Silvinho dragged him down 
and only received a yellow card. 

[26] Match Stats
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by redend:
Manchester United v Aston Villa - United stats first

11 FOULS 15 








[25] Can I be happy now? - an editorial by Sean Hennessey, Boston Reds
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
Can I be happy now? - an editorial by Sean Hennessey, Boston Reds

Can I be happy now?  Yep, I can.  Well to a point anyway.  Mark Bosnich has been 
sticking in the collective craw of United for quite a bit now, and being a rather 
large morsel, it's understandable why.  But the trick is I never even knew he bothered 
me this much.  It's only the comments that I've heard from fellow Reds about his 
actually fairly laudable career with us (he did have some blinders) that made me stop 
and think, and therefore discover, just why I don't like him.  Even after I promised 
everyone I'd stop complaining about him.

Frankly, and this is my opinion so don't sue Red News, please, Bozza often came across 
like a pompous git, and that's just not welcome at United.  Not that we don't 
celebrate the conceited.  Many of my personal favourites could be said to have 
harboured a bit of an ego - it's really part and parcel of the game.  Look at 
God-aka-Eric Cantona for that, his swagger just contributed to his greatness.  
Confidence in yourself is an imperative, something we saw in the growth of Andy Cole 
(is he Andy again or do I still have to call him Andrew?), Teddy Sheringham, and I'm 
sure is the missing ingredient in Dwight Yorke's recent form.  But Bosnich was 
something beyond that - he put himself infront of United.  And we just can't have 
that, can we?

Lying behind Porky's constant declariations that he wished to stay and
fight for his place (which he obviously didn't seem to think included
staying low fat) was the more obvious reason that he wished to maintain his wage 
packet.  He'd also said he wouldn't leave unless he got a free like he came to us on, 
presumably so he could go and get equally high pay as the new victi... er... club 
wouldn't have to pay a transfer.  If I recall, he said the latter before he said he 
wanted to stay and fight.

Tells you something, dunnit?

Anyway, stay and fight he did, though the battle of the bulge it obviously wasn't, as 
he never got match fit, hejust got further up Fergie's nose.  I think he got the 
result he wanted in the end, he got let go.  For free.  He fought the Man (in this 
case, Sir Fergie) and the corporation, and the little (sic) man came out on top.  A 
battle won in the right to maintain a damn decent nest egg.  A regular Norma Rae for 
the well-paid classes.  Not that we care, we'd just get the sack.

As the petulant child I know I really am, I'll admit now that I always
liked Raymond Van Der Gouw better anyway.  He may be old but his ego seems firmly in 
check.  He may never be a true Red in the sense that you feel he'd be happy to go 
eventually, he also seems very happy to be with us. And here's a few reasons why he's 
better than Bozzie anyway:

1)  RVDG looks like he should be in Super Furry Animals, MB looks like, well, enough 
said.  (I shall refrain from making comments about the Stay Puffed Marshmellow Man 
from the end of Ghostbusters for fear of dating myself.  Oops...)
2)  RDVG played that blinder against Arsenal until he got literally knocked flat out 
making a magic save 40 seconds from time and had to be replaced, MB got fatter, 
grumpier, grew a hernia (possibly from hauling his wallet about), and pissed off.
3)  RDVG has worked as a goalkeeping coach for us, MB got fatter, grumpier, grew a 
hernia, and pissed off.
4)  RDVG will always be game to be the best second keeper we have knowing his times 
will come to bask in the glory of a start, and we'll always appreciate him when it 
does, MB got fatter...

So we say goodbye to another 'zero' in Red.  At least we'll have a few fond memories 
of him, and I will wish him the best.  After all, he never did a Taibi.  But please, 
let's not try to come back AGAIN, ok?  Ta.

www.bostonreds.com  Be there.  It's better than not.

[24] The world has gone mad
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
According to the Diary in the Guardian Saturday morning, George Best's dog now has 
it's own column in Georgie's imminent official website.  "I've always been interested 
in a career in journalism" said Red Best, the Red Setter...you what?!

[23] A Scouser says something we thought we'd never hear
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
Robbie Fowler: "People are in front of me but I have got to pull my socks up and work 
a bit harder."

The dreaded work for which he has probably already been ex-communicated for by his 

[22] Joe Royle finding it hard to see the bright side
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
of the road. "The clue to the rest of the season will be how well we defended and at 
least we defended well," Royle said, trying his best to find some light in a very dark 
tunnel. There is no light Joe, face facts mate, it'll be for the best.

[21] Guess who didn't see anything
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
Robbie Savage and Keown incident at the Leicester-Arse match. And guess what line 
Wenger came out with. "I didn't see the incident". Surely this has got to be a world 
record for lack of eyesight events now?

[20] Only thing he'll win this season
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Australian World Cup striker Mark Viduka has been named the 2000 Oceania Footballer 
of the Year.'

Well it was hardly going to be Fatty now was it?

[19] How our Euro opponents did this week
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
Valencia lost at home for the first time in 12 months as Barcelona  won 1.0 in an ugly 
game that saw 2 red cards and mucho yellow.
Valencia front man John Carew at 6.6 feet got little service and Utd 
need to be wary of the usual diving tactics and late tackles  when they resume the 
Champs league in 2 weeks time.

Panathinaikos play Kalamata tonight - we will bring result as soon as we know it. The 
Austrians are off (doing what they are only good at) Ski-ing as they enjoy a mid 
winter break.

[18] United 100-1 ON to win PL
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by redend:
United are now quoted at 100-1 ON to win the Premiership by bookies William Hill. That 
is the shortest odds ever offered for a team to win the league at this stage of the 

Deep thought - the biggest computer in the Universe - has become depressed and shut 
itself down after continually crashing and finally having to admit that calculating 
city's title odds was a task beyond even its computational limits.

[17] Utd related TV on this week
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
Monday - 7.00 LIVE MUTV - FA Youth Cup - Utd V Scunthorpe at Old Trafford. But get 
down to OT - moved from Gigg Lane - to see the next batch of kids in action. Well 
worth it.

Tuesday - 8.00 MUTV - Exclusive Giggs interview - questions can be 
sent to the following email address [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thusrday - 6.30 LIVE MUTV - Reserves - Utd V Sunderland at Gigg Lane.

[16] More from Sven
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I haven't seen the most beautiful games, but they have still been very interesting. 
But even if I had found them disappointing I would never tell you that. The games I 
have seen have all been very correct. Two minutes added on at the end of a half, or 
one minute, once no time at all. That tells you players haven't spent much time on the 
ground, holding up the match, and that's good."

[15] Gary Neville on his goal
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We can't afford to wait for people to make a challenge.  We've got to press ahead. We 
have difficult games coming up - Sunderland away, Arsenal at home, Leeds away and 
Chelsea away and we want to do well
in those games. I hope there were a few people who had a few quid
on me because I would have been a high price.  One every two seasons I do. It would be 
lovely to get two in a season and break my record."

On his soon to be rested game..."Rested, dropped, I don't know. It's the way the 
manager has worked it over the last three years.  He brought the system in of 
rotation. We hate being rested, we hate being left out, but it works and who are we to 
argue with that system?" 

[14] Fergie on Spain
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I think the mood is a very good one.  As an indication during the trip to Spain, I 
offered them a night out and none of them would go out.  They stayed in the hotel and 
focused on what we were doing.  For me that was a great demonstration of one, their 
professionalism and
two, their determination to make sure they are not going to slip up and that was 
encouraging.  I mean I would have been happy for them to go out, don't get me wrong, 
but they didn't want to go out and that was smashing."

Bit strange then to see one of the Sunday papers say that Yorke was making a beeline 
for the birds in one bar out there...but then the Sunday Mirror said yesterday we are 
no longer interested in Sol Campbell - a full 3 weeks after we had this story up on 
the site!

[13] Sad PLC gift of the decade?
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From the Observer

"Nastiest new Manchester United product of the week:  The Official MUFC Maths Workbook 
4 (key stage 2 - for 7-11year-olds).  Inside, kids romp through sums and problems, all 
relating to the Reds, and will especially love pages 12-13, titled "Sarah and her 
friends visit the Manchester United Megastore".  "Jordan" (!) "...has £30 to spend", 
asks one question.  "If he buys a pair of shorts, has he enough money left for a 
keyring and a programme?" Next, "what change from £50 will Leanne get if she buys a 
shirt and a cap?" Kids are provided with full product price lists to help their 
mathematical development."

Who gave Jordan the money to spend and what was it for anyway?!

[12] It wasn't the costume that did it...
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
It's because MTV is so shite!

'A worker in a funeral parlour had a nervous breakdown after a visit from an MTV actor 
dressed as Death, complete with scythe. The 42-year-old woman tried to get the man to 
leave the Berlin funeral parlour but he refused and the stunt was only revealed when 
the woman called for help from her colleagues. he later collapsed and is now receiving 
psychiatric treatment. The man, who was part of a joke, told the woman: "I am the Grim 
Reaper. I bring with me the last 20 deaths but afterwards there will be no further 
deliveries. The hospitals are too good." Her employer has taken legal action to 
prevent the music station broadcasting the footage.'

[11] Infamous last words
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
Less a 'bugger Bogner' than 'I could die for a pint'. All terribly sad  whatever...

'Over 50,000 Hungarians have paid their last respects to Jimmy Zambo, the king of 
Hungarian easy listening. Zambo died when he tried to prove to his wife that his 
pistol was empty after shooting at a neighbour's cockerels in the middle of the night. 
His last words were: "Look, the gun is empty!" 

He then pulled the trigger and shot himself in the head. Many of the 43-year-old's 
fans, who followed his career from working class crooner under  communism to a mega 
star of commercial television, refuse to believe that his death was an accident. "It 
is not possible that he shot himself. There is definitely a conspiracy," said Ilona 
Kovacs, 48, at the funeral. But a police investigation has said that Zambo was drunk 
after returning from a party and regularly shot at the neighbour's chickens because 
they disturbed him. A series of memorial concerts, CDs and exhibitions have followed 
the star's death.'

[10] Shotgun is at it again
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
this time with Angel - who has been at Villa all of 30 
seconds...You just couldn't make this up. Angel's baptism to English football is at 
the home of the Champions, runaway leaders of the league and  the meanest 
defense...and shotgun insists that he needs to adapt quicker!

>From ITV teletext.

Aston Villa manager John Gregory has warned his new record £9.5m 
striker Juan Pablo Angel that he must adapt to the Premiership, and 
fast. The Colombian struggled on his debut during the 2-0 defeat against  Manchester 
United at Old Trafford.    
Gregory said: "I always knew it was going to be difficult but he's 
got to learn quickly and he hasn't got three months in which to 
settle in."        

[9] Swedish youngster settles for second best
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
 Did we really want him?

'Rennes have completed the signing of highly-rated Hammarby IF youngster Nadir  
Benchenaa, beating off competition from Premiership champions Manchester  United.  The 
16-year-old is one of the brightest talents in Swedish football... Benchenaa had a 
trial at Old Trafford in November, but he admitted to being  more impressed with the 
French side. 

"The first time I was there was during the Christmas break in December. Then, I was 
back one time in January to look around.  I liked the club, the stadium and the people 
in and around the club." 

[8] Ruud's agent still keen on United
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Ruud is still very interested in playing for United." said agent 
Roger Linse. "If United still want him, and Ruud is convinced he can 
add to their team, then things can happen.  We all believe that he will come back - 
probably in March - even  stronger and faster than he was before the injury."

[7] Quote of the day
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
Keith Gillespie: "I haven't become a bad player  overnight. But for whatever reason 
I've not been inundated with  offers. If you speak to anyone at the clubs I've  been 
at they'll tell you I've never been troublesome.  I don't know if people don't realise 
I'm for sale or if they fear  they would be taking a gamble."

Perhaps adding the word gamble- remember he was once said to bet quite a lot of dosh a 
while back - whilst denying being a hassle wasn't the right turn of phrase.

[6] McClaren - Utd come first
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Any decision on what happens in the future with England can only really  be taken by 
United. They are the people that pay my wages, I work for them and my first  loyalty 
must be to them.  This was my first meeting with Sven so nothing has been decided yet, 
 although the club have given me permission to join up with the  England squad for the 
game with Spain, even though Sven arrived  earlier than expected. 

I was very impressed with Sven and his ideas for the future. The conversation was 
private so I cannot say what we discussed, but 
after the meeting I am absolutely positive England have got the right 
man to take the team forward - I truly believe that.  He has an aura and charisma 
about him that all top managers and  coaches have and I know the players will respond 
to that.  His nature and character are very impressive when you meet him. He's  a very 
strong man. Deep down I believe that he'll be a great success for England."

[5] Teams from Saturday
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
United: Barthez, P Neville, G Neville, Stam, Irwin, 
Greening (Chadwick 62min), Butt, Keane, Giggs, Sheringham, Solskjaer 
(Cole 63min) 

Villa: James, Staunton, Barry (Ginola 82min), Alpay, Stone, 
Merson, Boateng, Hendrie, Wright, Dublin, Angel (Vassell 64min) 

Scorers: G Neville 57, Sheringham 87 

Attendance: 67,533 - including daughter Boyle, who got a mention from Keegan on the PA 
and a players lounge pass to boot!

P.S. Villa fans singing You'll Never Walk Alone. But you didn't walk to your game last 
Wednesday judging by all those empty seats.

[4] Sven happy with United
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The two games I saw last  weekend were fast games, today's was fast also. Maybe the 
two teams  can play better but I liked the game. Manchester United are very good  
technically. They can keep the ball and control the game." 

[3] Fergie goes into detail on resting policy
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We decided when we were in Spain to give the four players who have 
appeared in the most games a rest. This week it was David and Mikael Silvestre and 
next week it will be Gary Neville and probably Roy Keane." 

Ladbrokes have closed the betting on us being champions, while William Hill make us 
100-1 on, a bet you can only have via the internet. And if you're willing to win, er, 
nothing as well. 

[2] News of the World explains Becks' Saturday absence
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
'David Beckham swapped C-Old Trafford for the sunny south of France 
yesterday - and it made no difference to Manchester United!  Becks and Posh Spice wife 
Victoria jetted off to Cannes for a music 
awards ceremony as United beat Aston Villa 2-0 to go 14 points clear  at the top of 
the Premier League.  Boss Alex Ferguson confirmed that other United stars will also be 
given time off.'

In fact he said 2 more would be rested for the Everton game - Greening anyone?!

[1] What a shame
Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
As Neil Lennon considered legal action against Greedy Bastard after his kick in the 
head a few seasons back but thought better of it.

Speaking to The Sunday Times, Lennon said: "People kept ringing and asking if I was 
going to do  him and take legal action and I have to be honest and say I was  tempted, 
but I felt, since the referee did nothing, I should leave  it. Then the FA dug it up 
and the PFA [Professional Footballers'  Association] asked me to go and speak up for 

How he got away with it, to this day I don't know. It was doing my nut in. I thought 
have I done  something wrong here? Was my head in the way? What a shame about his  
boot, it was a right mess. The referee was 15 yards away  and the linesman just five 
yards away. It shows you there are some  players who are untouchable".

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