As some of you may have discovered there have been one or two problems with the RED 
NEWS Daily News by email. Hopefully this situation has been resolved now. Of course 
you can always get the latest news at any time by visiting the website if you prefer.

We're always pleased to get your feedback too: 

[39] Fergie on tonight
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It's a very big game for us. Even if we had beaten  West Ham it wouldn't have made 
the visit to Sunderland any easier.  What makes it hard is not so much that they are 
better than anyone  else, but the fact that they've given themselves some hope of 
getting  into Europe next season. You can see what tonight's game means to them by the 
way they  handled Ipswich at the week-end. They rested Niall Quinn and took Kevin 
Phillips off at half-time. I  know full well they'll be thinking that a result against 
us will be  the big boost to their season.  In that respect it's one of Sunderland's 
biggest games, but that's  the way it is wherever we play. We've got used to it. It's 
not a  problem.  This United team is the best since I've been at the club. I say that  
because of their temperament. They were disappointed to lose to West  Ham and will 
want to redeem that situation."

[38] Inspector Closseau is getting giddy
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
Gerard Houllier said: "We are the only team in the country to be chasing honours in 
four competitions.  Alex Ferguson goes on about a winning mentality among his players  
and we are developing the same thing. I can detect an aggression and  a desire to be 
successful.  February is our big month. This is the month in which we will make 
it or not. We cannot afford to lift our foot from the pedal.  We can cope with this 
workload. We have the squad and the resources 
to do it. 
The players know it is a vital month. There is great resolve here, 
and great steel and unity.  The winning mentality comes from self-belief and 
confidence. There  is no sign of complacency or sloppiness in the team, which is good. 
We have some foundations now. We are 80 to 90% along the way. All we  have to do is go 

And the only final they are in is the Worthless Cup.

[37] Becks and Scholes to play?
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
Looks likely now.

United (probable):- Barthez, Gary Neville, Brown, Stam, Silvestre, 
Beckham, Keane, Scholes, Giggs, Cole, Sheringham. Subs:- Van der 
Gouw, Phil Neville, Chadwick, Yorke, Solskjaer. 

[36] Ruud gets new deal
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
Ruud Van Nistelrooy gets a new deal - with Nike that is as they sign him up. Bodes 
well for Utd then?

[35] Fergie on Gary Nev
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
"When I spoke about it before on Sunday, I honestly didn't know what had  happened. I 
went to the dressing-room and I was  speaking to Jimmy Ryan (the coach) and there was 
some suggestion that  the referee had shoulder-charged Gary just outside the tunnel. 
In the  referee's opinion, he had done that to stop Gary going towards the  linesman. 

As far as Jimmy was concerned, that was as far as the matter went.  We will defend the 
charge. It's not as if he has shot anyone or  broken anyone's leg, but we will answer 
the charge nonetheless." 

[34] Catch up lads
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
The media today go into overdrive with Barthez's quotes about the goal on Sunday that 
he gave to French TV - presumably coming from this site after our Frenc correspondent 
translated them for us - a full 3 days ago on this site!

[33] Reid on tonight
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Liverpool have beaten them in the League and West Ham have  beaten them in the FA 
Cup, but I would be telling lies if I thought  anyone could catch them. They have so 
many outstanding players that if you 
keep two or three quiet, there are always the likes of Giggs,  Beckham, Scholes, 
Yorke, Cole, Sheringham or Solskjaer. There are so 
many it scares you. 

But we have a good record against them and it's up to us to show  what we can do. 
We've made vast strides and we're up there at the  moment. Only time and the players' 
performances will tell whether we 
can stay there.  It's going to be possibly our hardest game of the season and the one  
that will generate the best atmosphere seen at the Stadium of Light  since it was 
opened. I feel the fans are up for this one and  certainly the players will be up for 

[32] Fergie on tonight
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Sunderland will make it a cup-tie and it will be a great  atmosphere. There are 
terrific supporters up there. It's a great  stadium, the pitch is good and we're 
looking forward to it.  We were a bit unlucky in a lot of senses against West Ham, but 
in  cup football you have to take your chances because there's always  that element of 
surprise about it. 

The players themselves showed how much it hurt them and they didn't 
enjoy it. They don't like losing, particularly important games and  particularly in 
the FA Cup. The important thing is to make sure we 
get back to our normal ways.  Sunderland are pushing for a European place and they'll 
be pleased  about that because they have the resources and have built the  platform on 
which to get to the very top."

[31] Quote of the day
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
Wenger thinks he's is John Wayne: "I'll fight like a real Arsenal man to get rid of 
the sentence."

(what like Nigel Winterburn against Di Canio?)

"I'm very confident because I believe in the justice of the FA. I don't have anything 
to hide."


"Before, when I went for the hearing I just went in alone like a naive guy, but now I 
will have a case to present because a 12-match ban is a big punishment."

[30] More channels screening tonight live
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
Doesn't seem like there is a European channel NOT showing the game - Just for 
information, the Sunderland-match is live on channel canal+ both in Norway and Denmark 
- so England based viewers just have to find a place that has a large satellite dish 

[29] It's Forest next in Youth Cup
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
Thanks to Lars.

"Nottingham Forest will be the next opponents in the FA Youth Cup. They beat 
Portsmouth who took an early lead, but Forest won 2-1 at home yesterday. United should 
look out for their talented German-player Eugene Bopp, who scored Forest's first goal."

[28] Bizarre story of the day
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
"In retrospect, I admit it was unwise to try to gain access to my house via the cat 
flap," Gunther Burpus admitted to reporters in Bremen, Germany. "I suppose that the 
reason they're called cat flaps, rather than human flaps, is because they're too small 
people, and perhaps I should have realized that."
Burpus, a forty-one year old gardener from Bremen, was relating
how he had become trapped in his own front door for two days, after losing his house 
keys. "I got my head and shoulders through the flap, but became trapped fast around 
the waist. At first, it all seemed rather amusing. I sang songs and told myself jokes. 
But then I wanted to go to the lavatory. I began shouting for help, but my head was in 
the hallway so my screams were muffled.

"After a few hours, a group of students approached me but, instead of helping, they 
removed my trousers and pants, painted my buttocks bright blue, and stuck a daffodil 
between my cheeks. Then they placed a sign next to me which said 'Germany resurgent, 
an essay in street art. Please give generously' and left me there.

"People were passing by and, when I asked for help, they just said 'very good! Very 
clever!' and threw coins into my trousers. No one tried to free me. In fact, I only 
got free after two days because a dog started licking my private parts and an old 
woman complained to the police. They came and cut me out, but arrested me as soon as I 
was freed. Luckily they've now dropped the charges, and I collected over DM300 in my 
underpants, so the time wasn't entirely wasted."

[27] European Home ticket details
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
Manchester United v Valencia
Tuesday 20th February 2001, kick off 19:45

Approximately 6500 tickets remain and these will be on sale to the general public from 
the Ticket Office on Thursday/Friday 1st / 2nd February, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (subject to 

Alternatively, supporters unable to apply in person can purchase a seat by telephoning 
the MUFC Ticket Line on (0161) 868 8010 on Thursday 1st February, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and 
Friday 2nd February, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (subject to availability) giving their 
credit/debit card details. (Please note, an administration fee of 3% per transaction 
is charged).

We regret that due to the limited number of tickets available no postal applications 
are being accepted.

Manchester United v Sturm Graz
Tuesday 13th March 2001, kick off 19:45

POSTAL APPLICATIONS ONLY are still being accepted from Members/ST Holders and LMTB 
holders who can purchase a seat on a best available basis. Applications should include 
voucher 47 and a letter of application/ members match ticket order form (whichever is 
applicable), relevant payment and sae. Please ensure the incoming envelope is clearly 
marked 'EUROPEAN'.

A further announcement will be made via the Ticket and Match Information service on 
0161 868 8020 on Saturday 3rd February. 

[26] United deny Orient Express story
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From the official site

"Another day, another silly story about United appears in the tabloids. This time it's 
the turn of the Daily Star, who have run a story claiming that the Reds booked the 
Orient Express to take the players' wives to the FA Cup final in Cardiff in May.

"We had a call from the Daily Star about this story late on Tuesday
afternoon," communications director Paddy Harverson told

"I told them then that there was nothing in it, that the club have not
booked the Orient Express, nor has anyone been asked to book it on our

[25] Gary Nev on United team spirit
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I think any team that's going to sustain a challenge needs an element of British 
players and I think that's been our strength. I think it's just our league and I think 
you need players from the country the league is in. I suppose if you go to the Spanish 
league, Real Madrid have a number of Spanish players. "You can't go all the way with 
foreign players. As much as we've benefited from having foreign players - and the lads 
here are fantastic - you do need that core of a team who are British, I think."

[24] Arse think they're at the Court of Appeal
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
As they start quoting like they're overturning some life sentence - instead of 
Wenger's touchline ban.

David Dein said: "We have already made it very public how we feel about this and 
everyone knows we feel Arsene has been the victim of a gross injustice which we are 
determined to fight.  That's why at the time of the ban we fought so hard to win our 
appeal and get a re-hearing which is the stage we're now at.  The fact that we have 
been allowed to call new evidence is encouraging.  But I don't want to prejudice the 
outcome and, although I know Arsenal fans will be worried about the case, we will all 
have a much better idea where we stand on Friday afternoon."

[23] Whassup - Bud don't want to back Premiership
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
Kerry Bebe, marketing director of Anheuser-Busch, Europe, said: "Budweiser, the 
official beer sponsor of the 2002 Fifa World Cup, is committed to supporting football 
on a global scale.  Contrary to rumours and speculation, we were not involved in the 
final bidding process for Premier League sponsorship. 

The FA Premier League is an outstanding sports property. However, we feel it is 
important to focus our energies and activities into making the upcoming Fifa World Cup 
the best ever for fans across the world.  In the UK we will be promoting Budweiser's 
sponsorship with an exciting variety of programmes over the next two years, which will 
appeal to all football fans."

What will appeal to football fans is improving the taste!

[22] PR on Beckham getting stick on Sunday
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
United spokesman Patrick Harverson said: "We may take another look at the problem of 
players leaving the ground and being subjected to the kind of harassment David and his 
family endured. People were banging on the windows and screaming at them. The car has 
black tinted windows but the problem is that many people recognise it. We're always 
reviewing the security concerning our players. Their safety and that of their families 
is obviously paramount." 

"I've spoken to David and while he's shrugging off the incident as just one of those 
things, it sounds like what he and those in his car went through was very unpleasant 
indeed. There was a lot of abuse. So far we've had no complaints from any member of 
the public regarding the claims made about David, and witnesses have come forward who 
insist he did nothing at all wrong. Heavy traffic obviously builds up around the 
ground after games and, even if the players delay their departure by some time there's 
still the possibility that problems could occur. The kinds of experience David and his 
family went through is not something we want our players to keep risking."

[21] Fergie's team news
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
"David Beckham was suffering a bit on Sunday and was off on Monday, but he trained 
yesterday and hopefully he'll be all right. Paul Scholes came in yesterday and again 
we'll see how he is." 

[20] Fergie - Premiership still good
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The standard of the Premier Division is not lower. You look at the number of quality 
players that have been brought into the Premier Division and it can't be lower.  What 
you are finding is that our team has stayed together and so there's a consistency that 
the other teams are still searching for. 

That's what happens when you are building your team, like Arsenal -
they've lost two or three players and they've brought in four new players.  Chelsea 
have also brought in new players, so it does take time for these players to knit.  For 
us it's straight forward and we can continue the way we've been operating for the last 
few years." 

We are surprised with the position we're in. We've had some help with other teams 
cutting the throats of each other in the last few weeks, but we didn't expect to be in 
this position.  But in saying that, the team's performance has been good and I can 
have no complaints about that."

[19] Hardest game in the world
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Former soccer idol Alan Hudson has been arrested on suspicion of
shoplifting at a Sainsbury's store.  The former Chelsea star was stopped by security 
guards outside the supermarket in Whitechapel, east London, on Monday. 

Hudson, 49, was arrested on suspicion of stealing a bottle of vodka, a bottle of wine, 
newspapers and an apple. He has been bailed to return to a police station next 
month...and now lives with his mother
near Chelsea's Stamford Bridge stadium in west London.' 

[18] Bad joke of the day
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
Blame RN's Paul for this...

'Police were called to a Pizza Hut in Blackpool at the weekend, after
the body of a worker was found covered in mushrooms, onions, ham and cheese. 

A police spokesman said that the cause of death had not been
established but there was a strong possibility that the man had topped himself. Sorry. 
I'll get me coat.'

[17] Funny mishear
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From our Deep Throat:

"Have the radio on and picked up the following interview quote - "well
Greening has had a few bad games, so It's helped me with him being injured when 
thinking about those up front"...
What's this I thought - a blessing from above? 
Wishful thinking - the interview was with Clive Woodward on the selection for the 
England rugby team for this weekends game and was referring to Phil Greening who is 
crooked instead!"

[16] More from Giggs
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The beauty of the cup is that West Ham might have done well at Old Trafford but they 
could then go and get knocked out in the next round. I don't think the draw has been 
too kind to them because Sunderland are one of my tips for the cup. If West Ham go to 
the Stadium Of Light and get a result they will probably deserve to win the cup. 

We're extremely disappointed that we are now out of the competition. I
think the players were so desperate to do well. The FA Cup, after all, remains the 
only cup competition where you don't get a second chance - it's still the ultimate 
knockout tournament as we've found to our cost.  It also had an extra special meaning 
to me because the final was being played in Wales. It would have been nice to have 
played the final on my home ground, so to speak, but we let ourselves down in a game 
that was there for the winning." 

[15] Giggs on FA Cup defeat
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The pitch wasn't in the best condition but then it's the same for both sides. I don't 
want to be seen to be making excuses for the loss. On the day we didn't deserve to get 
anything out of the match and West Ham did, it's as simple as that. 

To say that the boss was unhappy is an understatement. I think he was extremely 
unhappy with the team's all-round performance. You have to say he's got a point. We 
had chances to get back in the game and we didn't take them. But you just have to put 
it behind you now. We are top of the Premiership and in a very healthy position in 
Europe, so we just have to make sure we work even harder for success in those 

The shock of the result will die down and then it's back to business. I think we will 
be more determined than ever to go on and do well in the other competitions. The best 
way to answer your critics is to come back even stronger."

[14] Wanchope may go to Spain
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
Joe Royle on Paulo Wanchope: "We've had interest from a Spanish club up to now, but 
nothing more than that. I'm told the Spanish transfer window closes fairly soon so I'm 
not sure if a deal can be done."

Is the Spanish club the dodgy late night club in Barcelona - here they've been looking 
for some prancing dancers.

[13] Find the game on TV live tonight
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
Of course the Red Army is travelling in large numbers but for those that can't make 
it, you might find it live on TV. So it's on Fox Sports TV channel of the States - 
some Sports Bars may have this, so ring and check.

And thanks to Jens for letting us know that the game is on the German pay tv channel 
premiere world (live) and the belgian/dutch pay tv channel canal plus (15 minute 
delay) as well.

If you know any pubs that have it on - post to the forum for those who can't make it.

[12] Red News betting tip
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
Go for us half-time win and full-time win. We've a point to prove, after Sunday and 
the Worthington Cup defeat. Odds aren't too bad for our win for once - although the 
Ref is Graham (card crazy) Poll.

[11] Spanish let us know what they think of the Goat
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Spaniards have thrown a live goat from a church tower, defying a ban 
imposed last year. The goat survived the 50ft fall uninjured, landing in a net held by 
 villagers. The Jumping of the Goat is a tradition in the village, but it was  
officially banned last year after protests by animal rights activists.

People taking part in the ritual in the hamlet of Manganeses de la  Polvorosa could 
face fines of up to £10,200. But Spanish authorities 
say this year's Jumping of the Goat was carried out under the cover  of darkness.  
Village council head Benedicto Heras said: "We have been unable to  locate any 
eyewitnesses. Anyone who may have seen anything is not  talking."

A bit like those who claim that they have seen him score then!

[10] Mark Wilson is philosophical
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
Over the tractor boy interest:

"You've got to take it as a compliment, knowing other clubs out  there are willing to 
pay good money for you, but I've always  supported this club and want to make it 

And on leaving OT: 

"Possibly, in the future maybe. I'll let the  gaffer decide my future - whether he's 
going to play me in the first team or sell me on." 

[9] World's top 25 teams
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
According to the Buenos Aires-based computerised ranking system. 
(whatever that is!) - and how do Liverpool get 17th, the Worthless Cup Final place 
merits that!

1 Real Madrid Spain 

2 Manchester United England 

3 Roma Italy 

4 Boca Juniors Argentina 

5 Vasco da Gama Brazil 

6 Bayern Munich Germany 

7 Lazio Italy 

8 Juventus Italy 

9 River Plate Argentina 

10 Deportivo La Coruna Spain 

11 Valencia Spain 

12 Feyenoord Netherlands 

13 Barcelona Spain 

14 Arsenal England 

15 Celtic Scotland 

16 PSV Netherlands 

17 Liverpool England 

18 Anderlecht Belgium 

19 Spartak Moscow Russia 

20 Cruzeiro Brazil 

21 Bayer Leverkusen Germany 

22 Schalke Germany 

23 Palmeiras Brazil 

24 AC Milan Italy 

25 Talleres Argentina 




999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 city 

[8] Reid checking his passport (just in case)
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We've made vast strides, we're up there with them and we're in the 
pack at the moment. It's just whether we can stay there, and that's a 
question I don't know the answer to.  Only time will tell and only the players' 
performances will tell." 

[7] Monkeys Head says
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We all know what happened to them on Sunday and it's very rare that 
they have back-to-back defeats," Reid said. 

"Having said that, Liverpool and West Ham have got results against 
them, so they're beatable.  It's going to be possibly our hardest game of the season 
and the one  that will generate the best atmosphere seen at the Stadium of Light  
since it was opened.  The fans are up for this one and certainly the players will be 
up for it." 

What a surprise to find out it's Cup Final time for another side we play!

[6] And forward to the Mackems
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We've got to where we are because we deserve to be there and the 
important thing is to stay there," Fergie said. 

"Sunderland are pushing for a European place and they will be pleased  about that 
because they have got the resources and they have built  the platform on which to get 
to the very top." 

[5] Fergie looks back
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
On Sunday:

"We were a bit unlucky in a lot of senses on Sunday, but in cup  football you have to 
take your chances because there's always that  element of surprise about it. The 
players themselves showed how much it hurt them and they didn't  enjoy it.  They 
fought like hell to get back into the game and I was proud of  them in many ways. 

They don't like losing games, particularly important games and 
particularly in the FA Cup because we all wanted to have a good go 
this season.  We hope to bounce back and that's always been the name of the game  for 
us.  I think the important thing is to make sure we get back to our normal ways." 

[4] And on the same theme
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
The show that makes a lifetime case of piles seem like more fun has finally had its 
comeuppance - as the bearded non-entity, the presenter non-entity and all the other 
non-entities on it get a slapped wrist.

'They Think It's All Over has been rapped by BBC chiefs over near the 
knuckle comments at the expense of Posh and Becks. A viewer complained about a "gross 
and poisonous" attack on the  couple during an edition of the comic sports quiz 
screened last June.

The BBC programme complaints unit found a sexual comment about  Victoria and David 
Beckham went too far and the remark is to be  edited out of any repeat. Posh Spice 
Victoria has had a war of words with show panellist Rory  McGrath, after a string of 
jokes at her expense.

She responded by blasting him as "that ugly b******" in a magazine 
interview.' (she forgot fat gooner - who only started supporting them way into his 

'McGrath also dressed up as Posh for a programme publicity shot with 
show regular Jonathan Ross as Beckham and host Nick Hancock as the 
couple's baby Brooklyn. In the report today, the unit said the Beckhams were no 
strangers to  publicity and being in the public eye "were a legitimate target for  the 
programme's humour".

However, this edition contained a sexual suggestion about them  which, by its nature 
and explicitness, went beyond even the broad  limits which the programme has 
extablished for itself," the report said.'

Now will all the others get the message?

[3] Would you Adam `n Eve it!
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
Well, yes we would actually - and it would be nice to think that Becks will think 
carefully after seeing the spit headlines when he's next asked for an interview off 
the tabloids. 

Yet again the S*n has shown itself up for what it is. Not for the  first time they 
have cast a Utd player as the villain of the piece,  when the whole story sounded, in 
Cockney parlour, right fishy. On a day that over  100,000 people are feared dead in an 
earthquake, the Sun decide that an (alleged) incident involving Becks was more 
deserving of their front page. Rupert must be still sore over the takeover!

Still, it still comes as a bit of a shock to see an Eastender break 
ranks. The chip wrapper had reported that Becks had given Jason Hallam  a V-sign and 
spat in his face.

But Daniel Cooper, a West Ham fan has come forward and said:

"I couldn't believe it when I heard this fan said he had jokingly 
taunted Beckham - it was way over the top and full of foul and 
abusive language," said the 21-year-old. 

"I was in a car in the queue of traffic coming out of the ground when 
we saw him (Hallam) hanging out of the passenger side of his car and 
swearing like mad.  He was doing it at the car behind, which I later found out was  
Beckham's. He was doing it to other cars as well and at the time we  said what an 
idiot he was and then saw in the papers on Monday what had gone on. 

It was disgusting language and it was also incitement because there 
were a lot of United fans around there at the time with the traffic 
almost to a standstill and they could have reacted.  I didn't see Beckham give any 
signs or spit at him, but you couldn't  have blamed anyone in that situation if they 
had got out of their car  and got at this person.  It's not what you want to see and I 
think he has given West Ham fans  a bad name. 

I don't know about his allegiance to the club, but I don't think 
this guy is a football fan if that's how he reacts. Don't get me 
wrong, I was gloating to my United mates about the win, but what he 
did was bang out of order.  I think he is just looking to cash in on Beckham's name 
and get  himself a bit of attention. As long as Beckham is performing on the  pitch 
for England then that's what should matter. He is one of our country's best players 
and doesn't deserve all the  abuse he gets," added the student, who is from South-East 

"People are just looking to get him going by having a go and then get 
themselves a bit of notice in the papers - that's what I think has 
happened here.  It's not on and I felt disgusted by it when it should have been a day 
to enjoy for our fans." 

An apology to Becks to appear in print any day now?

Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
Deadline for your great tales/memories of subtle pisstaking at the Bitters is next 
Monday (5th)...

For our next issue of Red News, conveniently coming out on the 25th anniversary week, 
we're doing some specials to mark the event, one of which will be a look at some 
memorable 'massive' moments over the past 25 years. Not the obvious memories as they 
will be well covered (like every one of their relegation failures perhaps) and every 
one will perhaps end up choosing the 5-0. So we want the more subtle memories - like 
being a Utd fan in the away celebrating at Notts County when city went down in '83 or 
Alan Ball telling his players to keep ball because he thought they'd only need a draw 
to stay up when they needed a win, and thus kept the ball in a corner to relegate 
themselves. That type of memory.
We'd like to feature some RN readers magic memories from the 25 years as well as our 
contributors - both in the fanzine and on this site.
So if you have a specific great recollection send it to us at

[1] Scores from last night
Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by bar-knee:
Arse 2 Bradford 0
Charlton 2 Derby 1

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