[22] Harrison on Becks
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2001 by tb:
'If anyone thinks that all the things David has accomplished have landed in his lap, 
they couldn't be more wrong. Since his formative years he has practised from morning 
until night. You won't find anyone more dedicated. 

'David can do absolutely anything with a football. He deserves all the success he has 
achieved so far and, believe me, there is more to come in the future.

[21] Ginger (hard) nut
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2001 by tb:
Eric Harrison on the ginga ninja:

'I have always likened Nicky Butt to Bryan Robson because he is afraid of noone. He 
needs to score more goals to become a regular with England but if I was playing in the 
roughest, most intimidating of games, I would want Nicky Butt by my side.' 

[20] My left foot
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2001 by tb:
As Eric Harrison explains about Giggsy:

'Ryan Giggs, in full flight, is probably the most exciting. He is crucial to a 
successful side. Someone has to run with the ball and Ryan is up there with the best. 

'When he joined United on a full-time basis after leaving school, there were two 
things we needed to improve and we both worked hard on them. 

'I improved Ryan's right foot by making him practice with it in crossing sessions and 
restricting him from using his left foot. It was like an optician putting a patch over 
a child's good eye to make the "lazy eye" work harder - and it worked.' 

[19] You don't say
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2001 by tb:
Contrary to reports (stand up Mirror, Sun, Moral etc), the tie-up with YankeesNet will 
not earn United billions, nor will it mean that Ferguson can buy the Luis Figos of 
this world.

Instead the deal is about a long-term marketing strategy to try and infiltrate the 
American market and raise United's profile.

That could take years and United are not banking on the partnership making them 
millions overnight.

Under the agreement, United and the Yankees could sell each other's merchandising, 
while they may also act jointly in sponsorship negotiations.

The clubs will also exchange information on training and physiotherapy techniques.

Ferguson said: "I think it's a great step. I think the club is always going to look to 
improve themselves and not just on the football field, but on the commercial side as 

[18] Fergie looks forward to his travels
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2001 by tb:
On the Yankees tie up

"I think it's a fantastic step ahead because we are always trying to project ourselves 
and get a higher status in football.

"With the American population over there of between 260 and 300 million, I think, you 
have a country which is in the early formation of football.

"They tried it back in the 1970s and it didn't work. They've got it back on song now 
and they hosted the World Cup in 1994.

"Obviously it's a young country as far as football is concerned and if we can market 
our image over there then we will do well."

[17] Smile you're on Candid Camera
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2001 by tb:
The Scout master on Vierra

'Would he have been charged if he were not on Sky News every five minutes? 

'You have to ask yourself if players are more likely to be punished if their matches 
are on TV. It can only be right if everybody is under the same scrutiny. 

'I'm not saying what the FA must do, but what we have in England now are guidelines, 
not rules. It can be very confusing. You just don't know whether you are going to be 
punished or not.' 

[16] More Arse escuses
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2001 by tb:
You couldn't make it up!

On Kanu:
'It's the English winter,' said the Highbury manager yesterday. 'He can't stand it.' 
'It is the temperature change that is the problem. It can be 30 degrees above when he 
travels to Nigeria - and then he has to come back to London where there is frost, rain 
and wind. 

'He has been injured and is back in the squad now. He has not had a successful season 
as far as scoring goals is concerned but he is looking sharper in training now. 

'I have had a talk with him. Winter is more difficult for him to contend with, and he 
has a stamina problem in that he cannot play in as long a range of games as other 

[15] Bates blasts 'I'll take the lot of yer on'
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2001 by tb:
'Who are these people hiding behind expressions like "an insider" or "FA spokesman?" 
'Let them have the balls to come out and put a name to their claims and accusations.' 

'Why don't these so-called spokesmen come from behind their anonymity. They remind me 
of New Labour spin doctors, which I'm sure in one or two cases they'd quite like to 

'Let them put a name to their quotes if that's what they think of me. They won't 
because they're cowards. 

'The public have a right to know what's happening in the national game. They're the 
ones who pay their money to fill the grounds. There's too much that gets swept under 
the carpet. 

'Unfortunately there are too many people at the top of the FA who think they're a law 
unto themselves. We have to ask ourselves here who's working for whom? Who appoints 
them and who pays their wages? 

'If David Davies (the FA's executive director) thinks he can get rid of me, let him 

So how about a 'Bates for Ingerlund' chant this afternoon

[14] A loud pop
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2001 by tb:
As the bubble bursts!

The Moral says:

Premiership clubs are bracing themselves to lose £200million in pay-per-view revenues, 
it has emerged. 
Representatives of the 20 elite clubs will be asked to choose between two bids for the 
right to show 40 live matches a season for the next three years. But both offers are 
believed to be less than a third of the £328m which chairmen had expected. 

[13] Rent Boys coach on Terry
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2001 by tb:
'We believe what we have in the club is another Tony Adams. They have the same 
approach to football, the same attitude.

 Best look out for those pesky garden walls when driving then!

'Ever since we converted him into a defender he has shot up in height as if that was 
just what he was waiting for. But he can play, there are no doubts about that.' 

[12] Terry turned us down
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2001 by tb:
'They won't faze me and they won't worry me,' he said. 'All I 'll be anxious about is 
what I do myself. 

'I know I could have been playing with them, instead of against them, but I turned 
United down because I believed I stood a better chance at Chelsea.' 

[11] Jaap on Rent Boys
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2001 by tb:
Chelsea have had a strange season. They’ve struggled away from home, but have 
looked very good at Stamford Bridge. With their home crowd, they’ll be very hard 
to beat.   

[10] Jaap on Melchiot
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2001 by tb:
Chelsea also boast another one of my compatriots in Mario Melchiot. He has done very 
well at Stamford Bridge this season. Of course, he scored against United in the 
Charity Shield at Wembley. He’s tall, strong and makes good runs from the back.

[9] Jaap on Jimmy
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2001 by tb:
I’ll be up against my Dutch international colleague Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink, 
and that’s always a big test. Jimmy is a very good player. He’s so direct 
- if he has the ball at his feet near to the penalty area, he’ll go for it. He 
likes to shoot as much as possible. Add in his pace and strength and you have a very 
good player. 

Jimmy has proved his class wherever he’s played. He started at a small club in 
Holland before moving to Portugal. From there he went to Leeds, Athletico Madrid and 
now Chelsea. If you look at his scoring record, he has got loads of goals at every 

[8] Jaap wants revenge
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2001 by tb:
Who could forget the result the last time we played Chelsea at Stamford Bridge! After 
all, we lost 5-0. It was a horrible day for us as they absolutely thrashed us. I 
remember that Nicky Butt was unneccesarily sent off, which didn't help us, but they 
were the better team on the day. We didn't have any real chances, whereas they looked 
dangerous every time they attacked. Hopefully, we'll do better on Saturday! 

Just flash yer champions medal at them Jaap

[7]  Fergie looks ahead
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2001 by tb:
"The team that plays on Saturday won't necessarily be the team that faces Valencia. 
The nucleus will be there, maybe nine or ten of them, but there may be one or two 
changes with a view to Wednesday."

[6] Fergie on the Rent Boys
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2001 by tb:
"Saturday won't be different from any other League games. The atmosphere is always 
good. We've got a good record down there.

"In fact, Stamford Bridge is probably our best away ground, apart from last year when 
they thrashed us. Their early goal was a killer, as they scored after 30 seconds and 
then we had Nicky sent off."

The Boss expects a spirited performance by the Chelsea players and fans, but that's 
nothing different to what the Reds face every time they play away from home. Fergie 
will just concentrate on his own gameplan, while formulating a new one for the 
Champions League.

"Most teams are up for it when United come to town. I don't know what they'll be 
thinking, but we don't worry about that. We've got our own agenda and our own 
standards to reach.

[5] Fergie says 'Elleray needs to Wise up'
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2001 by tb:
We had a man sent off last year, and the referee didn't do his job properly," Fergie 
said on Friday.

"It was a bad tackle on Nicky, and you would expect the referee to do his job properly 
in that respect. It will be competitive, and it's up to the referee to stamp out 
anything stupid.

"We got a stupid tackle last year that wasn't punished. The Charity Shield where Roy 
was sent off was another one, where he was badly fouled and nothing was done.

"I hope it doesn't come down to the referee controlling the game, as there are too 
many good players on the pitch for that. We have to make sure we go down there and 
play football like we always do.

"I don't need to remind my players to keep their cool. Our disciplinary record is the 
best in the country."

[4] Confirmation of Liverpool details
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Liverpool v Manchester United
Anfield, Saturday 31st March, Kick off 12pm.

We have received an allocation of approximately 3000 tickets priced £26 adults £13 
under 16's/over 65's. Postal applications are now being accepted from Season Ticket 
Holders on production of voucher 36 (duly completed), letter of application, open 
cheque (made payable to MUFC), sae and the following 5 match vouchers properly affixed 
to the official token sheet: 31 (RSC Anderlecht) 32 (PSV Eindhoven) 33 (Dynamo Kiev) 
34 (Panathinaikos) and 37 (West Ham United).

Private Box/Exec Suite and Club Class Members can also apply in the usual manner 
quoting their facilities held.

All applications need to be received in the Ticket Office no later than 5p.m. on 
Friday 16th February. As we anticipate being heavily oversubscribed a postal ballot 
will be held to determine the successful applicants.'

[3] Wenger moans again
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Would Viera have been charged if he were not on Sky News every five minutes? You have 
to ask yourself if players are more likely to be punished if their matches are on TV. 
For me it can only be right if everybody is put under the same scrutiny.I'm not saying 
that the FA must do that here but what we have now in England are only guidelines, not 
rules. And it can be very confusing. You just don't know whether you are going to be 
done or not."

Surely video is the only way you get to see the game Wenger as you don't see it live, 
ever, do you?

[2] Could have been playing for us on Wednesday?
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
Valencia player Miguel Angel Angulo: "Last year I reached a mutual agreement to sign 
with Manchester United. It was a tacit agreement, but it ultimately fell through." 

"It is too soon to exclude Valencia from the race for la Liga.  It is 
difficult but it continues being possible" on their recent poor form.

[1] Good news about Best
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2001 by bar-knee:
'George Best is having meals from his favourite restaurant delivered to his Belfast 
hospital bed. He has eaten shellfish and other freshly prepared food from Grace 
Neill's in Donaghadee, County Down.'

Grace Neill's chef and owner Stephen Jeffers told the BBC that: "I know the sort of 
style of food he likes so I make a little surprise up for him every day."

Best said: "I've still got pretty bad jaundice, some mornings when I get up. It's 
really quite bad and I think even the professor was disappointed with my progress. In 
fact, according to professor Williams, that's what makes the liver such a fascinating 
organ, because you never quite know how it's going to react. It's been 11 months now 
and it's not really fully cleared up. So, he's going to try something a little bit 
different, medication wise. But, after I've done my Saturday stint at Sky, I'll stay 
over in London and see him again on Monday, for some blood tests, just to keep a check 
on things. I know I need to have another biopsy at some stage soon. But we'll get 
there in the end."

[39] MEN - McClaren on his way to anorak land
Posted Friday, February 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Steve McClaren will be ready to fly to New York to add to his vast 
coaching dossier when Manchester United's link-up with the Yankees 
kicks in. The Reds and their new American partners will explore ways of sharing  
knowledge on and off the pitch.

Innovative coach McClaren will tap into the Yankees' know-how as soon 
as he gets the green light. Sir Alex Ferguson's number two is a keen student of 
coaching  techniques and has already been around Europe and Australia to add to  his 
variety of ideas.

McClaren has been inspired by the likes of basketball superstar 
Michael Johnson and the all-conquering Chicago Bulls basketball dream 
team. Meanwhile, Sir Bobby Charlton believes United's deal could 
rocket the Reds' stars and the Premiership's big names into an even 
more lucrative wage world. Yankees' top name Derek Jeter is about to 
sign an £80m contract and with new Old Trafford deals in the pipeline 
for David Beckham and Ryan Giggs, the Reds could hike up their salary 

Charlton believes they deserve it. "If we want to be the best, we 
have to produce the best players. It doesn't matter how much we pay. 
Nobody suggests the money paid to players is wrong. Fans support them 
by going every week in droves".

[38] Guess what the city player said?
Posted Friday, February 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Alfie Haaland on tomorrow's game...

"But we need to start winning games. We need, I think, a minimum of four wins from the 
last 12 games. This is a massive game. It's a home game and we need to win and we need 
the three points in front of our home fans."

massive count so far this season - 97398758947097046

[37] Ali G - Becks & Posh interview
Posted Friday, February 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Ali G has asked David Beckham if he could sleep with his wife during an interview for 
Comic Relief. The spoof rapper also embarrassed Beckham by asking if he would rather 
be with her fellow Spice Girl, Emma Bunton. He started off by warning Comic Relief 
didn't mean the Man United star could talk in a silly voice.

The Beckhams sportingly faced Ali G for an interview to be televised on BBC 1 during 
Comic Relief Night - March 16. The Manchester Evening News reports Ali asked Victoria: 
"So tell me, is your little boy starting to put whole sentences together?"

The Spice Girl replied "He's learning the bits and pieces, so yeah," but the comic hit 
back with "And what about Brooklyn?"

Ali also quizzed Victoria about her weight, asking: "Is you hoping to put on more 
weight, I mean, obviously, you don't want to go as far as Sporty Spice."

He also kept a straight face as he asked the couple: "So they is some people who 
suddenly get loads of money who become very tasteless. How has you two managed to 
avoid that?"

Ali winds up the encounter by urging the audience to dig deep. "If you do make a 
donation I will personally guarantee not a penny of the money you send to Lenny Henry 
will go towards feeding his missus."

[36] New Champs League player registrations
Posted Friday, February 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Contrary to what I told you two days ago, Aimar is available for the 
Valencia's next CL games. 
New CL registrations :
Panathinaikos FC 
16 Georgios SEITARIDIS 
24 Dereck BOATENG 
Valencia CF 
12 Roberto AYALA 
34 Fabio AURELIO 
35 Pablo AIMAR 
SK Sturm Graz 
2 Peter HLINKA 
31 Mario HAAS 
Manchester United FC 
31 Darren FLETCHER 

[35] Chelsea player thought they would be up there with us
Posted Friday, February 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Mario Stanic said: "Honestly, I was thinking that after we won the Charity  Shield, 
this was not going to be the year of Manchester United.  I thought that with our 
quality, if we didn't win the title we would  be very close. But now with thirteen 
games to go Manchester are so  far ahead. The power is psychological, they obviously 
have quality,  but so do Arsenal and Liverpool and Chelsea, but what they do is  treat 
every game the same.  They have tremendous willpower, even when they play the smaller  
teams the will to win is immense, they fight for every ball and that  is something we 
don't have at the moment." 

[34] Last six league results
Posted Friday, February 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Sky

Last six league results:
IPSWICH (A) D2-2 (Gudjohnsen 2)
ASTON VILLA (H) W1-0 (Hasselbaink)
ARSENAL (A) D1-1 (Terry) 
IPSWICH (H) W4-1 (Poyet 2, Wise, Hasselbaink pen)
NEWCASTLE (H) W3-1 (Zola, Poyet, Gronkjaer)
LEICESTER (A) L1-2 (Hasselbaink)

NEWCASTLE (A) D1-1 (Beckham pen)
WEST HAM (H) W3-1 (Solskjaer, S.Pearce og, Yorke)
BRADFORD (A) W3-0 (Sheringham, Giggs, Chadwick)
ASTON VILLA (H) W2-0 (G.Neville, Sheringham)
SUNDERLAND (A) W1-0 (Cole) - Cole sent off
EVERTON (H) W1-0 (Cole)

[33] Betting for tomorrow
Posted Friday, February 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Chelsea 7/4, Manchester Utd 6/4, Draw 2/1

[32] Skip to my Lou on relegation
Posted Friday, February 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Macari: "We went down in 1974 and then we got back into what is  now the Premiership. 
We couldn't win it because Liverpool had an  exceptionally good side at the time, but 
we finished second or third,  that was the best we could do. We went to a cup final 
and beat them 
there which was pleasing as we'd lost an earlier final to  Southampton. 

They were better on the day, but I don't think that could happen now  because there is 
such a gap between the Manchester Untieds of this  world and the smaller teams, but in 
my day an upset like that was on  the cards, it could happen.  I was quite happy with 
my 11 years at Old Trafford. It's a great  place to be, but I don't have to tell you 
that, do I?" 

[31] FA statement tells us nothing!
Posted Friday, February 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
The statement read: "Following recent reports surrounding the FA's disciplinary system 
the FA would like to make our position clear. At a meeting of the six secretaries this 
week (PFA, LMA, Premier League, FL, FA and the FAW), it was agreed the disciplinary 
guidelines were working well and were unanimously supported by all sides. The FA's 
chief executive Adam Crozier today met with the FA disciplinary sub-committee at which 
everyone reaffirmed support for the procedures agreed at the start of the season.

After the meeting Adam Crozier said: "From the outset consistency has been our aim 
when administering disciplinary penalties. That remains the objective. Everyone in the 
game has agreed to this. Clubs and players need to understand what actions they will 
face if serious offences are committed. We must now ensure that the process is 
enforced rigidly."

[30] Scholes on England
Posted Friday, February 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I'm not over-confident, no about World Cup qualifying. To get there, we're going to  
have to win every game from now on and it's going to be very  difficult. Hopefully we 
can do it. Through the play-offs was the way we qualified for Euro 2000. It's not the 
ideal way to qualify, but if that's the  route we've got to go down, we'll settle for 
that if we have to.  Winning every game is going to be very difficult. If we set our  
sights on second place and hopefully get in a play-off - I think we'll  settle for 

[29] Player of the month - for what exactly?
Posted Friday, February 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Leeds' on-loan striker Robbie Keane has won the Carling player of the month award for 

The Carling awards panel said: "Robbie Keane has shown a temperament beyond his years 
during the spell at Inter Milan and subsequent return to English football. Since his 
loan move to Leeds he has scored six goals and reaffirmed himself as one of the best 
strikers in the Carling Premiership. It is also no surprise to see that United's 
recent upturn in form has gone hand in hand with Keane's signing."

Terry Venables won manager of the month. 

We'll just wait for the main prizes in May as usual.

[28] Squads for Chelsea
Posted Friday, February 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Team (from): Cudicini, de Goey, Bosnich, Ferrer, Melchiot, Desailly, Terry, Leboeuf, 
Issa, Harley, Babayaro, Le Saux, Wise, Poyet, dalla Bona, Jokanovic, Gronkjaer, 
Stanic, Hasselbaink, Zola, Gudjohnsen.

Team (from): Barthez, G Neville, Stam, Brown, Silvestre, Beckham, Keane, Butt, Giggs, 
Cole, Sheringham, P Neville, Scholes, Yorke, Solskjaer, Irwin, Chadwick, Wallwork, van 
der Gouw.

[27] Rumour that Becks & Posh left Eminem
Posted Friday, February 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Meanwhile, David and Victoria Beckham stormed out of the concert 
after just 15 minutes. A close friend said: "They were just so disgusted they had to 
leave.  They said they thought it was so terrible Brooklyn would have to grow  up in a 
world where Eminem was a star."

What were they expecting to hear!

[26] Collymore sees his future
Posted Friday, February 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"When I retire, I want to begin work in the cinema and the television. I want to be 
the first black 007." 

[25] Eminem - Becks and Posh attend
Posted Friday, February 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Even though the singer once had a dig at the Spice Girls, Becks and Victoria had front 
row seats for last night's concert.

[24] Luke Chadwick in
Posted Friday, February 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Our new European Champions League squad. He comes in, Bosnich is obviously out!

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