
"J.C. DE MARTIN" <juancarlos.demar...@polito.it> writes:

> Restando a un livello molto generale, premesso che:
> - in anni recenti (post 2016, a spanne) il termine "populista" è stato 
> volutamente distorto 


> - da molto tempo, ma anche in questo caso con una recrudescenza in 
> questi ultimi anni,  il termine "complottista" è usato per squalificare 
> a priori posizioni sgradite, evitando di entrare nel merito;

è necessario dire che nell'usare quei termini sono stato appositamente
sarcastico? :-)

Per la precisione, aggiungo che ho dimenticato di etichettare Andrew
Lowenthal come no-vax, mea culpa!


> Argomento che va discusso - come tutti gli altri - facendo attenzione
> solo al merito delle questioni, evitando etichettature e altre
> fallacie argomentative.

in una civiltà matura ogni questione andrebbe discussa /nel merito/ ma
noi siamo oltre, da _moltissimi_ anni: l'importante non è l'informazione
e l'analisi, l'importate è LA PERCEZIONE che le persone ottengono
attraverso la narrazione distorta della realtà... roba che il falso
"massacro di Timisoara" è un lavoretto dei bambini alle scuole

> E credo che, restando nel merito, ormai ci siano parecchi fatti,
> iniziative e dichiarazioni a giustificazione della mia preoccupazione.

sì ma per quanti fatti (iniziative, dichiarazioni) ci siano, ci sono
altrettante contro-narrative che ANESTETIZZANO... l'alienazione



>> siccome non vorrei che i lettori si perdessero il nocciolo della
>> questione, ovvero la metamorfosi del progressismo di sinistra,

siccome a mio modesto parete il VERO nocciolo dell'analisi di Lowenthal
è _precisamente_ la metamorfosi del progressismo di sinistra (ah, che
malinconia!), mi permetto ancora di insistere /fastidiosamente/ su
questo tema, perché l'analisi è molto azzeccata...

riporto quindi uno stralcio di un "vecchio" articolo di Lowenthal, il
cui titolo è in oggetto:


«The Censorship Industrial Complex»
By Andrew Lowenthal April 27, 2023

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---

Disinformation does of course exist and does need to be
addressed. However, the biggest source of disinformation are
governments, corporations, and increasingly anti-disinformation experts
themselves, who have through COVID-19 and many other issues gotten the
facts wrong.


It wasn't always like this. Over the past century the primary
advocates of free speech have been liberals and progressives like
myself, who frequently defended the rights of people whose values they
sometimes differed from and were highly unpopular with mainstream
American society at the time, such as the over-policing of the Muslim
community during the War on Terror.

At the most basic level, the idea that one day the shoe might be on
the other foot seems beyond the comprehension of most. The result is a
court of clowns. Feedback is not being taken in, pivots are not made,
epistemological entropy ensues.

While progressives might believe they are in charge, I think it's much
more the case that we are being used. Under the cover of social
justice, the corporate machine rolls on. The US government and its
allies, realizing that information was the future of conflict, slowly
but surely engineered a takeover of the independent, adversarial
organisations that should be holding them to account.

Some say this shift began under the “humanitarian intervention” rubric
built for the Balkan conflicts. This was stepped up further when
Condoleezza Rice provided a feminist cover for invading
Afghanistan. The elites grab the ideas that serve their purposes,
hollow them out, and get to work. Wealth inequality became much worse
under COVID-19, even as the halls of power became more
diverse. “Progressives” hardly said a word.

The cultural shift is only partly organic. The Virality Project shows
how powerful people cynically harnessed well-intentioned ideas about
protecting people's health, when in reality, they were protecting and
advancing the interests of Big Pharma and expanding the infrastructure
for future information control projects.

In February 2021 I met with a leading anti-disinformation
organization, [FirstDraft] — now called the [Information Futures Lab]
at Brown University — to discuss collaborating. The meeting became
awkward when they claimed the Philippine [#Kickvax] campaign was
anti-vaccination. Nearly half of EngageMedia's staff and most of the
leadership team were Filipino. The campaign had come up in
conversations with them, so I knew it was actually an anti-corruption
drive focusing on the Chinese vaccine, hence the name: SinoVac +
kickbacks = #Kickvax.

The campaign was making serious allegations regarding the SinoVac
procurement process. In 2021 Transparency International [ranked] the
Philippines 117th for corruption out of 180 countries
surveyed. Left-wing activism in the Philippines has long taken aim at
corruption among elites.  Despite this, FirstDraft staff told me very
firmly again that #Kickvax was spreading anti-vaccine
misinformation. I was given an “Are you from outer-space and/or a
potential menace?” -type look before the meeting wrapped up. No
collaborations were pursued.

From the #TwitterFiles I've since seen just how deeply involved
FirstDraft were in trying to squash valid questions around the
vaccine. It was a core focus. FirstDraft were also part of the Trusted
News Initiative, a kind of Virality Project for the legacy media. The
Information Futures Lab runs a project to “ [increase vaccine
demand].” Co-founder Stefanie Friedhoff is also part of the White
House COVID-19 Response Team.

[FirstDraft] <https://firstdraftnews.org/>

[Information Futures Lab] <https://sites.brown.edu/informationfutures/>

[#Kickvax] <https://twitter.com/hashtag/KickVax?src=hashtag_click>

[ranked] <https://www.transparency.org/en/countries/philippines>

[increase vaccine demand] <https://buildingvaccinedemand.org/>


The even bigger problem is a culture that supports widespread
censorship, particularly among its previous guardians, progressives,
liberals and the left. Free speech has become a dirty word for the
very people who once led the free speech movement. Changing that is
a long-term project that requires demonstrating how free speech is
primarily there to protect the powerless, not the powerful. For
example, the Virality Project's censorship of true stories of
vaccine injury left us to the predation of Big Pharma, making us
less safe. More free speech would have resulted in a better informed
and better protected society.

Most important is to return to strong principles of free expression,
including for ideas we dislike. The shoe /will/ one day again be on
the other foot. When that day comes free speech will not be the
enemy of liberals and progressives, it will be the best possible
protection against the abuse of power.

--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

saluti, 380°

380° (Giovanni Biscuolo public alter ego)

«Noi, incompetenti come siamo,
 non abbiamo alcun titolo per suggerire alcunché»

Disinformation flourishes because many people care deeply about injustice
but very few check the facts.  Ask me about <https://stallmansupport.org>.

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