nick wrote:
> Hello everyone, first time poster!
> I am having an issue with some mounts from a linux server to a solaris 9 box. 
>  The home dirs are mounted via nis, and quite often lately I have been 
> getting file not found errors.  For instance,
> I will go into /home/user1  
> check my path, list it, then list it again and it will say no such file or 
> directory but will still give me the proper pwd.
> If i do an ls -a in /home it will 
> ./user1: No such file or directory
> ./user8: No such file or directory
> for a random number and id of user then list all the rest like everything is 
> fine.
> I tried a snoop, but didnt get any kind of errors that I could tell, and my 
> nfsstat -c  reports
> Client rpc:
> Connection oriented:
> calls       badcalls    badxids     timeouts    newcreds    badverfs    
> 2748172     55          38          1           0           0           
> timers      cantconn    nomem       interrupts  
> 0           0           0           38          
> Connectionless:
> calls       badcalls    retrans     badxids     timeouts    newcreds    
> 16          0           0           0           0           0           
> badverfs    timers      nomem       cantsend    
> 0           0           0           0           
> Client nfs:
> calls       badcalls    clgets      cltoomany   
> 2744671     46          2744579     13          
> Version 2: (0 calls)
> null        getattr     setattr     root        lookup      readlink    
> 0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        
> read        wrcache     write       create      remove      rename      
> 0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        
> link        symlink     mkdir       rmdir       readdir     statfs      
> 0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        
> Version 3: (2744729 calls)
> null        getattr     setattr     lookup      access      readlink    
> 0 0%        269749 9%   3915 0%     60748 2%    12672 0%    1673 0%     
> read        write       create      mkdir       symlink     mknod       
> 795936 28%  1586494 57% 2209 0%     97 0%       0 0%        0 0%        
> remove      rmdir       rename      link        readdir     readdirplus 
> 2189 0%     51 0%       530 0%      103 0%      818 0%      1576 0%     
> fsstat      fsinfo      pathconf    commit      
> 157 0%      38 0%       27 0%       5747 0%     
> Client nfs_acl:
> Version 2: (0 calls)
> null        getacl      setacl      getattr     access      getxattrdir 
> 0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        
> Version 3: (8 calls)
> null        getacl      setacl      getxattrdir 
> 0 0%        7 87%       0 0%        1 12%       
> badcalls seem to increase each time this problem occurs.
That may be a clue. It will be easier to tell if you can share the snoop 
when this issue occurs.

> Any tips or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
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