On 11/06/09 12:42, Tom Haynes wrote:
> Rainer Orth wrote:
>> Tom,
>>> Email is sometimes a bad communication medium, i.e., I'm not
>>> trying to be snotty with the following:
>>> You have the source to snv_124, you could add your own client
>>> providers and contribute back to OpenSolaris. The server providers
>>> were written by people who really needed them.
>> understood, but this would be a terrible waste of time if the work has
>> already been done or at least mostly done, as seems to be the case here.
>>     Rainer
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rainer Orth, Center for Biotechnology, Bielefeld University
> Just to confirm, no one is actively working on client providers. The 
> person who
> did the v3 server provider was an intern and had a prototype for the 
> client.
> It never went anywhere after that.
Just to elaborate on "It never went anywhere" part, in case someone is 
interested in picking up the patch that Robert Gordon pointed to 

The prototype for the NFS v3 client provider was done by Danhua Shao. It 
was working and also went through a code review process on nfs-discuss 
alias.  The provider and the probes were demonstrated to work as 
expected. The key issue in the current provider design is the use of 
tsd_set and tsd_get functions in order to get a handle on RPC xid where 
the probes get fired. The problem is that we need a reasonable way to 
harvest the RPC xid in the higher level nfs functions. As of now, the 
design uses tsd_set and tsd_get routines. I believe that there is high 
overhead associated with the use of these functions. At the time this 
work was done, we did not come out with a more appropriate approach to 
harvest RPC xid values.

I am also attaching the written description of NFSv3 client provider 
specification, which was posted earlier on these email aliases when the 
work was being  done actively.

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