Yes, /home/andre does exist and is accessible by other Linux clients (and 
FreeBSD clients for that matter).  Yes, it simply works by editing the fstab 
file or using the proper command.

> Could you get snoop output?
> On your OpenSolaris client:
> # snoop -o /root/mount.scp mandibox sol
> where mandibox and sol are the names of the two
> machines involved.
> If possible, don't have any other connection between
> the two going on
> (e.g., a ssh session from one to the other to do
> scripting/commands).

Am I to understand this command as "snoop -o /root/mount.scp [nfs_server] 

The output of the above is:
andre at sol:~# snoop -o /root/mount.scp mandibox sol
Using device nge0 (promiscuous mode)
30 ^C

Where "^C" is where I canceled with [ctrl+c].  I had let this run for some time 
before cancelling (between 5-10 min).
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