Lately, we have been plagued by a lot of intermittent test failures.

I have seen intermittent failures in pynfs WRT14, WRT15, and WRT16. These
have not been resolved by the latest ntirpc pullup.

Additionally, we see a lot of intermittent failures in the continuous

A big issue with the Centos CI is that it seems to have a fragile setup, and
sometimes doesn't even succeed in trying to build Ganesha, and then fires a
Verified -1. This makes it hard to evaluate what patches are actually ready
for integration.

An additional issue with the Centos CI is that the failure logs often aren't
preserved long enough to even diagnose the issue.

The result is that honestly, I mostly ignore the Centos CI results. They
almost might as well not be run...

The CEA CI also sometimes has failures, lately, PROXY testing was added, and
that sometimes fails. At least that's at the end of the test run, and CEA CI
logs enough into gerrithub that it's easy to see "oh, the PROXY testing
randomly failed" move along... But that's still not ideal.

It would be nice if we could detect some of the "expected" failures
(including if a test failed on the previous weekly merge) and not do a
Verified -1 if those fail, but then maybe we could add another label that
could get a -1 so we know the failure is still occurring, but it doesn't
result in us ignoring real issues.

Let's talk about CI more on a near time concall (it would help if Niels and
Jiffin could join a call to talk about this, our next call might be too soon
for that).


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