Dear B. R.

Am 20-06-2014 07:10, schrieb B.R.:

On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 9:46 AM, Aleksandar Lazic <> wrote:

Am 18-06-2014 20:46, schrieb Stefanita Rares Dumitrescu:
Oh god 1350$

Per year.

It's cheap compared to some other commercial Servers, from my point of view.

​ ... and it is expensive compared to the open-source Apache.​

No comment.

​> nginx as FOSS is great.

Full Ack.

nginx Plus is worth as much as other commercial/closed-source products.​..

On this point we have different opinions.

The 'sticky' property is out of scope of this ML since not part of the FOSS nginx.

I haven't seen in the past such a separation, but it's ok for me , if the ML-Moderators want this.

End of discussion.

It's up to you and every other ML participant to answer to a post on the ML or not.

Command not acknowledge.

Well, I'm with you that the price discussion is here wrong.

The docs are already polluted with mentions of the commercial product since, surprisingly,
nginx Plus docs have not been separated from nginx FOSS ones.

I like to know which features are available on a SW even in the commercial one.
That's my point of view, of course yours could be another one.

On a personal stance, I would like not to see this ML polluted with discussions on nginx Plus.

But may be other?
In the past I haven't seen to much such discussions on this ML.

B. R.


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