My boss happens to be a bleeding heart liberal.  He came in the door last Sat. 
commenting on the fact that one of the two recent killers used 
an AK47and speculated  that maybe now they will make it illegal for people to 
own them any more.  He asked my opinion concerning the matter and I flatly and 
immediately told him I think anyone who wants to ought to be able to own one.
He was aghast, and of course queried me as to why and I told him the more 
firepower the better, when they come after me and my family.  I told him that 
it is only because they know too many of us have guns that they haven't come 
after us already.
I told him you go on television and tell people you don't own a gun and you 
think that only the cops and the military should have them and also at the same 
time display your opulence and see how fast some crackhead relieves you of your 
He has not yet realized that there are Russian subs out in the gulf 
maneuvering;(he tried to deny it, but I have talked with people who have worked 
on the rigs and they have seen them) he really really thinks they have to be 
able to sail up the rivers to do any damage, and that is not possible, esp for 
a huge Russian nuclear sub...
I asked him, have you heard of MISSILES???They don't NEED to sail up the 
rivers.  They only need to fire their missiles, and the warheads will wipe out 
Houston, all of our refineries, the naval station in Miss., Cape Canaveral, all 
of the air bases, tire mfg plants, to name a few.
They figure they still couldn't win if we have guns at home. 
George the first Bush placed a moratorium on offshore drilling because no one 
should know that Russian subs are there lurking about off our shores.  I could 
go on but thinking about these things while riding is just damned depressing.  
Anyway, I just told him to just go on living his fairy tale life with no gun to 
deter anyone; I will at least defend my family to the death.
BTW, has anyone ever verified the statement that all of our bullets are now 
made in Taiwan?  
Keep in mind that the red regime in the mainland (communist China) is beginning 
to flex its muscle and bully us over there.  And they boldly state that 
they intend to someday invade Taiwan?
Where will we get our bullets, then?


From: Creative Residential Designs <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 8, 2009 12:25:38 PM
Subject: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: [Rodents}

I, for one, certainly understand that it's guns that kill people and not the 
fools behind the trigger. *snicker*...your son is too funny! HotrodMamma.
Here's one for you: when I was living in Nampa, Idaho with my hotrods I got 
really tired of people knocking on my door to ask if my cars were for sale. 
What made it doubly-irritating was the fact that I had written on some of the 
cars in shoe polish on the windshield "Cars are NOT for sale". Still the fools 
kept coming. One day I saw another one who couldn't read heading towards the 
door after looking at some of the cars. I opened the door holding a big 
handgun, and pretending to polish it, asked "What can I do for ya?"...he took 
one look, said "NOTHING!" and took off. Something about women and big 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Mark Hasslinger 
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 10:12 AM
Subject: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: [Rodents}

Some 12 years ago we were in a supermarket "shopping more milk" and the boys 
were standing at the magazine rack looking at GUN MAGAZINES.  Some creep came 
along agast at the idea that I'd let my sons look at "GUNS".  My oldest with 
his 180 I.Q. and type A personality piped up and retorted "We like guns. they 
kill people." sending the creep into a fit, as my kid stood there dead panning 
the fool.  It was really funny!

I certaily hope I don't have to put any discalimers about the intention of my 
son other than putting the fool down with his humor, ...:-{

--- On Tue, 4/7/09, Dennis Hammerl <> wrote:

From: Dennis Hammerl <>
Subject: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: [Rodents}
Date: Tuesday, April 7, 2009, 10:27 PM

Liberals are allergic to guns.

--- On Tue, 4/7/09, Kyle K.K. <> wrote:

From: Kyle K.K. <>
Subject: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: [Rodents}
Date: Tuesday, April 7, 2009, 6:49 AM

Wife is allergic to dogs: I own quite a few firearms.

-Kyle KK

On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 5:44 AM, Graham Rogers <> wrote:
> Same here Javier. along with my wife and three children, we lived in a
> dangerous part of the world, I never had a gun but did have a fairly big
> dog.  He was enough,   Graham
> On Apr 7, 2009, at 12:04 AM, Javier Garcia wrote:
> Hi Stanley,
> I   born and lived for many years in a very dangerous place outside the US.
> can say I have a lot of experience been robed in many occasions. The best
> advice I can give you is that dogs are way better than .22, or .38, or
> I know many people believe its better protection, but from what I've
seen it
> can be worse. On the other hand, having a dog it's always worthwhile.
> Trained dog? not necessary. Just making sure is a big one could be enough.
> I've had dogs all my live, and I can tell you if you love him and
treat him
> with care any decent dog will kill and die to protect his home and his
> master.
> Cheers,
> Javier.
> On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 11:28 PM, Dennis Hammerl <>
>> How did your dog fare ?
>> .22 and .380 don't work very well on cretins who are high. .45
puts   paid
>> to most difficulty. If you keep a piece for protection, make it a
>> (chrome, nickle, etc.) one. The high visibility makes for a deterrent
>> itself. A small black one ? You'll probably have to use it. Guns
and dogs
>> are good, I have both. I once asked a man running for a state office
if he
>> had a cop. He didn't understand the question so I repeated it.
"No" he said.
>> I don't either, but I do have this and opened my jacket. He
understood then.
>> He turned out to be a good man and is a representative now. Rides a
>> motorcycle, carries a gun. Look him up on-line.. Pat Browne / PA
>> Urban decay, it's everywhere.
>> --- On Mon, 4/6/09, stanley/ Randolph <>
>> From: stanley/ Randolph <>
>> Subject: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re:   [Rodents}
>> To:
>> Date: Monday, April 6, 2009, 12:51 PM
>> Have you any dogs?  Especially, like, a trained guard dog?  It may
not be
>> as effective a deterrent as a 22,  but would keep most of the
>> rats away; and maybe would eat the four-legged ones.
>> Last neighborhood I lived in here there were some dudes who came at
>> while I was at work and stole my tools and a lawn mower from
my carport even
>> with the dog (lawn mower didn't work - was just for parts, but I
lost my
>> tools).  They used a long iron pipe to subdue her and broke the
mailbox down
>> jumping the fence/gate to get in.  It was chained.  From the looks
of it,
>> there had to be more than one; the lawn mower was not light enough
for one
>> person   to lift it over the fence, nor was my toolbox.
>> I was somewhat relieved to discover that a ring of thieves had
>> houses across the whole neighborhood.  A hit-and-run group from out
of town.
>> Yes, the neighborhood had turned into  crackville.  I found out
when I
>> went for a walk late one evening, only to see this huge dude with a
>> in his arm calling to someone down the street to come help him,
because he
>> couldn't find his vein...
>> To think, that area used to be the heart of affluence in this town...
>> ________________________________
>> From: jeff scott <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 1, 2009 3:04:24 PM
>> Subject: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: 1984 Nighthawk 700s K&N Air   filter
>> Marie Tarring elementary, i am up Pontiac 5 blocks and yes they
>> are, this neighborhood was actually decent when i moved in 6 years ago
>> has gone to hell with all the drug dealers,Heroine addicts and
>> crackheads.Last year we had at least 5 shootings around here.It's
not a big
>> deal to the news or police ,only one or two made the news.or the
murder rate
>> statistics in the Baltimore Sunpaper for that matter.I have 12 video
>> covering every inch of my property and locks & chains on both
walk gates and
>> both driveway gates and the animals still manage to get onto my
property and
>> break into my vehicle.My next project is hooking electric up to
>> the perimeter fence around my property.
>> Have a great day ~ J.   Scott
>> ________________________________
>> From: Rosslyn <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 1, 2009 3:55:50 PM
>> Subject: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: 1984 Nighthawk 700s K&N Air filter
>> I used to work at the elementary school at 3rd & Pontiac; lots of
>> people down there ARE rats!
>> Rosslyn
>> jeff scott wrote:
>> > yes, the 22 does help control pest population but here in
Brooklyn ,Md
>> > there are more rats than people,huge too, i think there are even
>> > disguised as people~lol
>> > You are probably correct about the K&N complimenting the
4>1 exhaust
>> > very   nicely,
> >


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