Looks nice, glad to have you aboard and that your new prize gets some more days 
in the sun. If you suspect that the carbs need cleaning then do it now rather 
than having your pipes turn blue, that is a real PITA to get rid of.
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-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Dosreis <mpdo...@gmail.com>
Sender: nighthawk_lovers@googlegroups.com
Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 02:02:39 
To: <nighthawk_lovers@googlegroups.com>
Reply-To: nighthawk_lovers@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Nighthawk Lovers] My 84 Nighthawk

I had been looking for a dependable ride for the season and was looking for
something relatively cheap maybe $1100-$1500 so I hit up Craiglist.  Started
looking around for a few weeks when I curiously checked out this ad for an
84 NH, priced around what I wanted to spend.... then I notice "wow" this
bike is 2 hours away and 27 years old.  I continued looking for something
closer to my area, but I kept browsing back to that 84 NH.  Not sure why???
I decided to call the guy just to see what condition the NH was in. Typical
battery, carb clean, so on... I'm thinking 27 years old I will look around.
1 Week passes I call the guy back and he tells me its still available and
would I like to come and see it.  I let him know I was about 2 hours away
but he assured me the NH was in pretty good shape and was willing to give me
a better price.  I told him I would call him back in a few days and let him
know.  That night I stumbled on this NH page and was instantly turned on to
this bike.  All the pics, all the great info, the fellowship of riders...  I
called the guy the next day and arranged a trip up.  When I pulled up and
seen this dusty, dirty, dulled up 27 year old bike I was a little skeptical,
but the older gentleman had let me know about how he always maintained it,
showed me the records.  I asked him if I could start it up.... sounded great
so I took it for a spin.  I was so impressed how it ran that as soon as I
got back that was it... SOLD... The gentleman gave me a much better price
which sweetened the deal.  Brought the NH home that night.  Started the
tedious process of wire brushing, degreasing, cleaning, polishing, and 2
weeks later I was done.  I have been riding it for about 2 weeks know and I
am psyched.  I love the way the NH handles, the response, and the looks.  I
have gotten many compliments on the bike already and people cant believe its
27 years old.  I just want to thank everybody for helping me decide on this


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