

I've been out of touch traveling but I've been following along, my friend.
Please know that you are in my thoughts.  My prayers are with you and I hope
deeply for Julie's recovery.


>From New Zealand,


Dennis - Christchurch


[] On Behalf Of Graham Rogers
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 4:02 AM
To: Nighthawk Lovers
Subject: [Nighthawk Lovers] ADMIN: Prayer and Donations for Graham Rogers
and Family


Another Julie update.


Yesterday was Julie's birthday.  She's 36.  When she was at the ICU in
Hershey, Brynn, her 11 year old, was asked what she would like for her
birthday which was on March 25. Brynn replied that she wanted mommy to be
able to talk to her by her (Julie's) birthday.  It didn't happen but they
did celebrate her birthday with Julie on Sunday with balloons and sherbert.
It was a very good day for them.
Joan and I have been with Julie every afternoon through till about 8.00 pm
when she is back in bed after having supper in a chair.  She has to be
propped up with pillows in the chair and she soon becomes pretty distressed.
I tried the chair and wanted out after about five minutes. In general she
becomes distressed towards the end of the day from being in a bed or chair
all day and not being able to get out, communicate and perhaps the events of
the day.
Every day though we see or hear of progress.  The other morning Michael
asked her for a kiss and she turned towards him, puckered her lips and
kissed him - twice.  We hope she doesn't respond the same way to any one who
asks for a kiss. We dare not risk trying it. (How would we explain that to
Michael?)  She's had a painful elbow for a couple of weeks, gradually
getting worse.  We requested an Xray which showed calcium deposits from lack
of movement. 

She has made some astonishing progress.  Michael put one of her favorite
hats on and she casually adjusted it to how she wanted it.  In our presence
yesterday, she did the same and then took it off and held it in her hand. We
gave her a Hoops and Yo Yo sound card to which she laughed and laughed to
the point we had only to play the first word and she would start laughing -
great huh! Physical Therapy even had her shuffling out of her room into the
hallway, painful to look at but exciting.  Like I said, seeing this kind of
stuff is so much more exciting than even seeing an old 80's Nighthawk fire
up for the first time in 10 or 15 years. Thanks so much to all who have
prayed and/or contributed. 
It looks like she will be transferred to a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
rehab facility in Philadelphia this week or next - bittersweet as we will
not be able to see her as much. The Sure Kill distress Way (Schuylkill
Expressway) is the last place I want to be driving on.  More cars jammed in
Philly at the same time than in all of New Zealand. Graham 4/30/2013


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