Isaac Boy wrote:

> So I was assigned to photograph 5 doctors in a hospital. They were all
wearing white. I set the camera on Aperture Priority and the film was Fuji
400 print also. For better sharpness I used 1/125 sync. I shot with
different apertures, but the exposure was always 3D auto. Result: 8 unusable
underexposed pictures and the need for a new photo session (everything on
manual this time).  <

Are you sure the negatives were underexposed? Automatic enlargers will almost
always produce dark prints when there are large light areas in the image.
Because the negative is darker than typical/normal, the machine overexposed
the print, producing a dark, "underexposed" picture. Look at the negs - if
they are correctly exposed the doctors' coats will appear very dark. In any
case, shooting print film you have a pretty wide latitude - w/ Fuji 400 you
should be able to get very good prints from negs 1 sop under, decent prints at
2 stops under IF your lab knows what it's doing. 

I suggest you take the negs back and have the lab reprint them, only tell them
to correct the exposure. You may find that the second photo session was

Bill Boyle

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