On Tue, 15 Dec 1998 09:39:20 -0200 Isaac Boy de Souza wrote:

> So I was assigned to photograph 5 doctors in a hospital. They were all
> wearing white. I set the camera on Aperture Priority and the film was Fuji
> 400 print also. For better sharpness I used 1/125 sync. I shot with
> different apertures, but the exposure was always 3D auto. Result: 8
> unusable underexposed pictures and the need for a new photo session

How did you force 1/125 sync?  Was it by using Sports Program as you
later used when photographing your cat?  Maybe the apertures you used
were too small for proper exposure at 1/125.  The reason this combo
worked when shooting your cat was that you were much closer to the
subject (you say that the cat filled the frame).

A possible test would be to recreate a similar scene to the doctors
and put the camera in shutter priority mode.  Set shutter speed to
1/125 and examine what aperture is automatically selected; compare
this to what you actually used.  However, I acknowledge that there's
only one stop in difference between 1/125 and 1/60...

Another suggestion: was the flashgun in 3D Matrix Balanced Fill Flash
mode?  For indoor shots, my SB-26 manual suggests not using this mode,
but using standard TTL instead.


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