> Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 13:34:16 -0500
> Subject: Re: F100 databack option and remote cord for MD2. [v04.n161/17]
> Message: 17
> > From: "George Pavlopoulos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: F100 data back option [v04.n160/18]
> >
> > Merry Christmas everybody!
> > I would just like to ask everybody who has the luck to hold the F100 in his
> > hands, if the back of the camera is detachable, which means that there will
> > be sometime in the future the option of adding a data-back.
> Hi George. Yes, the F100 has a detachable back and it already has the data 
> backas accessory that will imprint the data BETWEEN the frames.

        Between the frames?  Where did you hear this?

        If you go to


        and look at "Dedicated Accessories" and the description of
        the MF-29, it says the following:

"Data Back MF-29
        Imprints selected date and time information
            within the frame; your choice of
           Year/Month/Day, Month/Day/Year,
           Day/Hour/Minute -- or No Imprint.

        Of course, it makes no mention of "Imprint on Frame #0"
        which we've seen elsewhere... maybe because that is a body feature.

        Does anyone have any reliable and complete info on the features 
        of the MF29?

        As far as the F100's CF#18:

           Data imprint on frame #0
           0: Canceled (default)
           1: Activated

        What *kind* of data -- does anyone know?

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