I will be trying after Christmas to take some close-ups of some 
electronics components.  I do not have a macro lens and do not
want to buy one for something I do only rarely.  Can someone
help with the options available.  There are a variety of 
extension tubes, rings, and close up lenses, of which I know 
next to nothing.  Retaining AF is not critical.

My current equipment is as follows: N70, 50/1.4AFD, 24/2.8AFD,
35-80/4.5-5.6AFD, and 70-210/4.0-5.6AFD.

What is my best (and cheapest) option here?  What equipment is
compatiable with mine?  

I know some of you are macro people who know much more about this 
than those of us who normally shoot rivers and mountains.


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