From: John Girard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 1998 12:49 PM
Subject: 6006 Built-in flash questions

I've searched high and low for an answer to these questions, and just can't
come up with an answer, so I thought I'd ask here.

I'm having some trouble figuring out the various flash modes for the
built-in flash on the 6006.

According to the manual, there are essentially two main modes for the
camera: Auto balanced fill flash turned on, or turned off.  In the first
mode, we have matrix balanced, center-weighted, and spot fill-flash,
depending on the metering mode.  In the second mode, whatever the metering
mode, the flash is apparently in "standard TTL" mode, which allows manual
flash compensation.

Now, to complicate things, the flash can still be manually adjusted in
balanced fill mode -- but these adjustments apparently adjust the computer
compensation -- "Automatic balanced fill-slash always incorporates some form
of computer compensation, even if you make adjustments manually.  In
Standard TTL mode, only manually selected compensation level is used."

So, what I don't understand at all is, when you make manual adjustments to
flash output in balanced mode, what is the "baseline" (0 EV for the flash)?
What is the "baseline" for manual adjustments in TTL mode?

As far as I can tell, "balanced" mode is supposed to give exposure to the
foreground that brings it up to the level of the background.  How is this
any different than metering on the background and taking a flash picture in
standard TTL mode?

Bottom line: I'm afraid I just don't understand the differences between
balanced- and standard TTL modes.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Final question about the flash -- I just got a test roll back in which I
tried a handful of different settings.  One that was particularly strange
was doing the flash indoors in low-light in Aperture priority mode, and
shooting at the extremes (F22 and F4).  The depth-of-field varied as I
expected, but the light from the flash was very different in both (the F22
pic was much darker, showing alot of yellowish indoor light, rather than the
light of the flash).  The camera was in matrix auto balanced fill mode -- so
why did this happen?

Thanks in advance for any guidance that can be provided!

John Girard

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