"A & R Balm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>John - I'm amazed about this article. I've used a Nikormat, a FM2, a 801s
>and a F4s at the same job all with  50mm f1.4 lens - all used by different
>people & you cant tell the difference between the pics. If youv'e got camera

Hmmm... you amaze easily. Interesting that you find that neither the
equipment nor the photographer make a difference. 

>shake in your 801 shots due to camera shake, I'd suggest it is probably due
>to operator induced shake not due to shutter curtain induced shake.

Quite possibly. In any event, it would be more likely to be the mirror
than the shutter. I simply quoted what somebody else had suggested.
I said I had no idea if it was true. What I DID say was that the
conditions were such that I would have expected BOTH sets of images
to show shake, but only one did. That is fact, not speculation, verified
by additional tests I did. 

>Using a tripod will NOT make any difference to the auto focus!

Can't disagree with that, but what has autofocus got to do with what I said? 

>Using a tripod will NOT make any difference to shutter induced shake!

Yes it will. Just like increasing the mass of the camera will. Simple
Newtonian physics. One of the reasons I like Nikons is that they are
HEAVY, and great for hand-holding. If I was guessing at why I can 
hand-hold the F90 more successfully than the F801, the mass difference
would be high up my guess-list. Well, that and the slightly better
ergonomics. Whatever. But I was rather hoping that somebody would
provide some more scientific input.

>But using a tripod WILL eliminate operator induced shake!

Indeed it will. But as I said, I rarely use tripods.

>Sometimes we see & believe what we want to see or believe and another
>upmarket piece of gear becomes the supposed answer.

You could not possibly know what anybody other than yourself sees
or believes, so this remark is simply condescending.

>I have purchased plenty of gear over the years that has fallen into this
>category & had no problems - or bank debit. When talking to the ex-owners
>they have later admitted they just wanted to upgrade and there really wasn't
>a problem.

In nearly forty years of photography, I have owned only nine cameras, five
of which I still own. Only two were bought new. Only one ever
disappointed me, and it wasn't either of the new ones. Oh, and it
wasn't the F801 either.

>I think you should sell your 801 real cheap - (because its obviously faulty)
>this will make some one else real happy to get a bargain that probably works
>fine. Perhaps you really need the new F100.

Finally the sarcasm. Oh well, each to his own.

Sorry about the length of this reply, folks. I should probably have
ignored it, but I promise this is my final word on the matter!


John Bean               http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/~john-bean
                     or http://john-bean.freeserve.co.uk

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