> I own an N90s, and I just noticed that there is a small black
>    particle (perhaps dust) when I look through the view finder.
>    Admittedly, this does not harm my pictures, but its bothering
>    me. I looked on the mirror (didn't touch or attempt to clean
>    the mirror), the lens, and the view finder, but am unable to
>    locate the dust particle. 
>    I'd appreciate any pointers as to how I can clean this particle.
>    Thanks.

The particle is almost certainly on the underside of the focussing screen,
which is the only position it would appear sharp. If you note it's position,
then remove the lens and look at the underneath of the screen, you may be
able to see it and remove it with a fine brush (artist's brush?) If you
can't see it, a gentle blast of air from one of those cleaning cans will
probably do it; don't point it at the mirror, though!

Best Wishes,


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