I read your posting on the Aperture Priority Mode on the F5. Basically 
you can manually set the lens aperture or thru the sub-command dial. 
When you use the sub-command dial that you must make sure that the lens 
is set to the minimum aperture position. You can set the aperture thru 
the sub-command dial, which is the dial at the front of the camera. 
There is a custom function #6 which permits the sub-command dial 
rotation direction to change from the default of counter-clockwise to 
clockwise to increase selected value. If you choose to set the lens 
manually using the lens aperture ring then the aperture reading in the 
viewfinder and the LCD panel will blink and not indicate any aperture. 
The aperture can be read thru the aperture direct readout in the 
viewfinder. Hope this helps.


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