>Subject: RE: Re: Photography in snow [v04.n161/2] [v04.n166/7] 
[v04.n170/1 6] [v04.n172/13]
>snip   > . . . . I don't think Terry's response really answered
>       > KP's question (nor did mine, for that matter).Mine neither.  Maybe 
KP can go out and find the answer for all of

Hi just got back from my ski trip and will let you know how the photos 
with the snowy background turn out. I did allow for +1EV for most of my 
shots. I did some shots with the F5 RGB metering without any 
compensation. Right now the negatives are being developed, will get them 
in a couple of days from the lab. Thanks to those of you who responded 
to my query.

I read the responses to the F5 flaws query. I think no camera is perfect 
for every one. I do not think it is relevant. There are so many cameras 
with different features and design concept (or man-machine-interface, 
MMI, if you like) that you have to choose the camera which suit you and 
your needs best. Personally I have a Canon for a number of years and 
recently when I decided to purchase a new camera I did my own market 
study and decided on the F5 because it handles very well and fits my 
needs best. 
As to the question of the strap for the F5 - be practical it is a heavy 
camera so a good strap like the Optech (Pro) strap will make the 
carrying a lot more comfortable. The F5 looks good on its own anyway. 
The wine color F5 strap that is supplied with the camera is pretty but 
not as comfortable. By the way in the cold it performed well, some of my 
travelling companions found that their cameras did not work in the cold 
(about -3 deg C). 

I would like to wish all a wonderful 1999! May you have excellent 
pictures no matter what cameras you own. It is you who make the picture!

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