: Re:  F5 [v04.n169/4] [v04.n174/5]
>>Subject: Aperture Priority Mode on the F5. 
>KP Wrote,
>> If you choose to set the lens manually using the lens 
>>aperture ring then the aperture reading in the viewfinder
>>and the LCD panel will blink and not indicate any aperture. 
>Art wrote: To adjust the aperture via the aperture ring you must change 
custom function #22 or you could get unintended apertures
>when you move the aperture to the minimum setting.

Thanks for the tip. I personally find it neater to set the sub-command 
ring to the minimum aperture. In this manner I do not have to use the 
CSM to disable the sub-command ring (which is the custom function #22). 
I can switch from manual aperture setting (using the lens aperture 
ring)to using the sub-command ring quickly.


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