<     Actually, it's even better on the F5 front.  When I placed my order
for an F5 at B&H on Dec. 24, not only was
     the US warranty price $1900, but there was an additional $200 rebate
available on top of that.  This makes the
     effective out-of-pocket for the F5 with USA warranty is $1700.  No
kidding, and I asked about 3 or 4 times to make
     sure there was no understanding.  I believe this makes the US price
less than the grey market.>

NO NO NO ! ! !
While I intend not to post prices in public, I feel obliged to correct this
misunderstanding ASAP
The price is 2100.00, and after the 200.00 so-called "Instant Rebate" is
net to the consumer 1900.00 + s&h (or plus sales tax if purchased in our
NYC store.
This is with Nikon USA warranty. 

The non-USA 'grey market' price is 1829.95

Again, I do not wish to ruffle any feathers by posting prices in public,
but this corrects a publicly posted misapprehension.

Henry Posner/B&H Photo-Video

We will be closed Friday, January 1, 1999

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