>i recently discovered that my slides and negatives
(spanning 12 years of
>work) had been exposed to water at some point in the last 6
>my question is this: many of the negatives clearly have
water between
>the negative and the sleeve. should i allow this to dry or
keep them all
>wet (in a pan, etc) until i can take them to a professional
lab to have
>them rinsed and dried?


My quick suggestion is to be careful!  The emulsion softens
and may even separate from the backing.  Mechanical damage
is the most serious risk.  I lost a batch of prints (150!)
many years ago when the emulsion separated from the backing
due to long exposure to water (24 hours)

A quick call to the conservators at your local museum or the
professionals at your local pro-lab may provide some useful
information.  Otherwise I would slowly dry the negatives
with minimal movement. Best of luck!


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