I'm a new F5 owner and I mostly use a Nikkor AF-D 24-120 zoom with a
SB-28 flash.

The combo is driving me nuts!  When I try to grab a quick candid shot,
half the time the flash doesn't fire, or the camera won't shoot.  It's
as if the F5 is checking dozens of factors, communicating back and forth
with the flash, and if everything isn't perfect, it doesn't fire.

The culmination came tonight when I tried to take a great candid shot of
my two kids on a ski gondola at Northstar in Lake Tahoe.  It was very
dark inside the gondola, and no matter what I did, I could not get the
stupid F5 to fire.  Apparently it won't shoot in auto focus mode in the
dark. And in the dark gondola I couldn't find the "mode" button on the
flash, and the dumb light on the camera kept going out too soon, also.
And I had no idea where the manual focus switch was in the dark.

Is this right?  Does the F5 not work with a flash in the dark? Or am I
doing something wrong.

When I got home, I put the flash in Manual Mode, and the camer in Manual
Focus mode and I could get it to fire in the dark.  But that make the
camera less useful than a point-and-shoot.

What a ridiculous camera that can't take an autofocus, quick flash shot
in darkness!

I'm about to throw the whole shebang in Lake Tahoe!


Bill Sauro

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