
I find your open letter to be humorous.  You've called three stores to get
prices on some equipment.  You've noted that one store has the price of $1599
and another (I'm assuming Ed Posner's shop) has it for $1610.  Do you realize
that you are haggling over $11.00?  That's less than 1%.  The other item has a
difference of about 6.5%.

Don't you think you're being a bit petty?  I don't know any of you digesters
and I don't even know Ed Posner.  But, quite frankly, I'd rather spend a
couple of extra bucks on something from a shop with a good reputation and/or
from a guy like Ed who (here I go assuming again) is a store owner and active
in this digest.

I just spent a week looking for a DP-1 prism for my F2.  I was told by a very
nice,  knowledgeable, and reputable store owner that I shouldn't pay more that
$150.00 for one in average condition (most I found were going for close to
$200.00).  Well, I found one for $170.00 at a west coast store.  That's twenty
whole dollars more than I wanted to spend.  I happily paid the $170.00 because
I knew that he had a good reputation and would stand behind what he sells.
It's worth a few extra bucks for this kind of peace of mind.

Noland, I feel that you are being a bit unfair to Ed to publicly haggle over a
couple of bucks.  If saving a couple of bucks is that important to you, buy
from the competition.

Brian Wermeyer

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