For wildlife and sports, I personally have used a Tamron 300/2.8 lens for a
couple of years... I have also used the Nikon 300/2.8AF-S and as far as
optical quality like contrast and resolution, I have not been able to see
any significant differences.  Of course, my Tamron lens is manual focus, so
there is that difference...

They sell for around $1870 or so from B&H. Any one interested in perhaps
purchasing this Tamron lens used from me should email me... privately...

I would not recommend using any zooms in this range due to aberrations and
slow speed of the lens... shake is a difficult issue for long lenses even
with a reasonable tripod unless shutter speeds are fast enough... the 2.8
lens allows me even to (infrequently) handhold the lens on sunny days for
sports, although I would usually use a monopod for sports and a tripod for

Paul Silver

Paul Silver Photography
Photography for Architecture, Sports, Theatrical

Commercial Stock and Fine Art

visit my portfolio

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