> My question is to anyone who has done extensive trekking/backpacking where
> weight is a premium but quality is important as well.  What combination of
> Nikon's AF primes and/or "consumer grade" zoom lenses would you recommend
> that would cover the range from around 24 to 200-300mm in focal length?


when I go for a hike, I usually go with a 24mm f2.8, a 50mm 1.8 and a
180mm 2.8. They are all lighter and smaller than most zooms in the
range, and they are fast. It is not as limitative as it sounds. I could
even survive without the 50mm, although it may be useful for moderate
close-ups (not real macro). If I really have space, I would add a 85mm
1.8. That's all I need personally, and it guess it is still lighter than
your three zooms. You may also consider using a lighter cameras. My FM
is much lighter than my N6006, which is still lighter than a N90s. The
N6006 has a built-in flash, which saves you from having to take a
separate flash if all you want to do is fill-in.

Pro-zooms are not that sharper than consumer-grade ones. They are
essentially faster, better built and more performant at full aperture.
At f/8, I believe there is little difference, apart from the long end of
telezooms, where it pays to have ED glass.

Hope this helps,


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