Hello all and Happy New Year. First let me start off by saying I'm
relatively new to this group and so far have found it to be very helpful.
I've had my N70 for a little over a year now and love it. I take mostly
indoor pics (of family) and decided to invest in a flash. I made the SB-28
choice hoping one day to increase my skills enough to warrant perhaps an
N90s. But I seem to having a problem grasping flash to camera interaction.

If the camera is in P mode and a flash is onboard it usually sets to 1/125
at f5.6 and takes great pics. I then decided to get crazy and set camera to
M mode set aperture to f5.6 and shutter to 1/125 and the resulting meter
said I had incorrect exposure, why? I took the pic anyway result was same as
in "P" mode. With this information I decided to try differ apertures and
differ settings on the 28. I switched the flash to "A" mode and read the
flash distance on the bar graph at f11 and 1/125 between 4 and 30', the
meter said I had an incorrect exposure. Now If I were to fire on a subject
at say 10' in focus, does this mean that shot will be correctly exposed? If
1/125 and slower are the correct synch speed can I play around with the
aperture and still achieve the desired exposure via the flash in "A" mode
and the bar graph?

Until I've perfected (if possible) my flash skills, say I want to take a pic
that "has" to come out. I set the camera to "P" mode and then need to set
the flash. It seems when I set it to Automatic Balanced Fill-Flash with TTL
Multi Sensor. All my pics seem to come out w/the subject well illuminated
and the background darker (but not black) then desired. If I just want to
use the flash as a fire and forget type what is my setting? and if it just a
Standard TTL Flash, must I set the aperture every time I want to change a
setting? (I know this must sound trivial to most of you, but I could really
use the help)

    ICQ 10022695

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