
If you had the camera in a focus priority mode such as the default "S" 
autofocus mode, and it is too dark for the camera to focus, or verify 
focus, It WILL NOT fire.

You have two options at this point.
1.) switch to a release priority mode such as the default "C" autofocus 
mode, or change the "S" mode to release priority via CSM# 2.    

2.) go to manual focus.

Please don't take the following comments the wrong way they truly are 
intended to be constructive.  You've sunk a heap of $$$ into your 
system.  Sit down w/ your instruction manual and perform every function 
in there.  As you are comfortable with all of the options learn where 
all the buttons are, so well that you could find them in the total 
darkness.  I'm not sure in what capacity your using your F5, But as for 
me being a wedding/event photographer, I often find myself in situations 
where I cannot see the buttons on the camera.  Knowing where they are 
has saved me many a time.  You also may want to get in the habit of 
keeping a Mini-MagLite or equivalent on you when you expect dark 
situations, there great when you can't see to load film.

Hope you come to love your new tool as I have,

Wayne Jordan
Jordan's Photography
Trussville, AL

P.S. call me if you decide to toss it, I'd love to shoot you swimming 
after it when you came to your senses!!!  :-)

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