Dear Noland Lewis

(I assume you are referring to Henry Posner from B&H?)

In my opinion, this isn't an appropriate forum in which to air your
grievances with the representative of a supplier (B&H).  Henry Posner has
already stated that he will not post information about prices to this list,
which is a commendable decision on his part. It would not be appropriate
for commercial enterprises to make use of the list for advertising.  At the
same time, Henry Posner has provided us with a great deal of valuable
impartial information, which is much appreciated. If he were to reply to
your question it could lead to a bitter online dispute between rival
suppliers concerning their relative merits and pricing.  

We should do all we can to keep knowledgable suppliers, such as Henry
Posner, on the list by not trying to drag them into public discussions of
their business practice.

If you don't like the B&H price, then simply buy elsewhere.  If you prefer
B&H, then perhaps you should consider whether the reason for your
preference justifies the (marginally) higher price.

By the way, if you want to see _expensive_, try buying camera gear here in
England  :-o


Tom Matheson
(no connection to B&H, just a satisfied customer)

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