>Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 16:45:16 +0000
>From: Tiago Lopes da Fonseca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Lens Cleaning and MF 26 in cold weather [v04.n187/23]
>Message: 23
>First of all: Happy new year for everybody!
>Now, I have two questions I would like to ask:
>- - I am about to buy a second hand Nikkor AF 20mm f2.8 from
>a friend of mine. It seems to be in excelent condition, but I just
>found out that he normaly uses lens cleaning paper to clean the
>rear lens element - without any cleaning fluid (or alchool)!! Is there
>any chance the glass might be damaged? Isn't the paper a bit
>to abrasive for the lens coating? 

Lens cleaning paper is fine. What I usually use is the silk lens cleaning 
cloths that are reuseable. I present some condensation on the lens by 
breathing on it and then simply wipe with the cloth. Coatings are 
actually pretty durable and it will take a lot of cleaning to damage them.
>I am not worried about the front element because he allways uses 
>a UV filter and never had to clean the lens glass itself.
>- - I bought a MF 26 back for my F90X 4 months ago and it seamed
>to be working fine. Last week I did some shooting in cold weather
>(about 0 degrees Celcius - snowing) and it kept on reseting - the date
>went back to 1/1/92 and all my settings disapeared. This happened 
>each time it stood outside for some time. Is this normal behaviour or 
>should I that it to be serviced?

Perfectly normal. The batteries got sluggish because of the cold weather 
and the camera behaved as if you had removed the batteries.


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