>Was the launch of the F100 hurried because of us nikoneers clamoring
>for a model to go against canonís EOS-3?

Nikon rush - you must be kidding. Although, the brochure, in my opinion,
may have been put together at a break-neck pace. A friend shot a photo for
the brochure just a few weeks before it went to print. It was such a short
amount of time that I thought he was doing it for another Nikon product.
Also, the strange  looking vertical grip I complained about a few weeks ago
that is displayed in the back of the F100 brochure apparently was a CLAY(!)
model used for that one shot. (attribution: Nikon rep at the Atlanta PJ
Seminar) The grip does not have the large gap between the grip and body as
shown in the brochure thus we shouldn't have to worry about electrocution
while shooting in the rain.

With all that said, I am under the opinion that Nikon is actively
competeing with Canon these days because of a loss of marketshare. With
both camera systems being priced about the same, it's much easier to switch
systems when one has a gadget that the other does not. Nikon seems to
understand this and is getting the gadget part right the first time around
and not waiting for the S or X version to update.

FYI - to anyone who can make a difference (Nikon) who is listening: I'm
still waiting for a firmware upgrade to give me the updated custom
functions that the F100 offers. If Contax can do this with their G1-G2
cameras and if modem/computer manufacturers can do this, then I'm sure
Nikon can do it also. And this doesn't mean offering an F5s for a few
hundred more!

Bob Croslin
Staff Photog, The Tampa Tribune

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