Tiago wrote: 
>I bought a MF 26 back for my F90X 4 months ago and it seamed
>to be working fine. Last week I did some shooting in cold weather
>(about 0 degrees Celcius - snowing) and it kept on reseting - the date
>went back to 1/1/92 and all my settings disapeared. This happened 
>each time it stood outside for some time. Is this normal behaviour or 
>should I that it to be serviced?


Mine did the same thing a few weeks ago - resetting every time that I went 
out into the cold to shoot.  I think that I've found that a little extra 
turn of the screw that holds the battery door in place seems to have solved 
the problem.  There's been no problem with resetting since then and I've 
taken several rolls of film in blizzard conditions.

This is not the symptom of a low MF-26 battery (which also happened this 
fall)!  If the batteries are low, the display will flash rapidly and 
randomly and you can't interact with it.  

Replacing the batteries causes a reset, no matter how fast you do it.  This 
would suggest that even momentary loss of connection in the battery 
compartment will cause a reset.  Thermal contraction/expansion might be 
enough to lose the connection when the temperature of the compartment is 

Steve MacLeod
N90s in Kalamazoo

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