When the bandwidth taken up by discussions about whether this non-topic is
appropriate for the digest or not exceeds even that used by the non-topic
itself, I give up.  I leave it to the rest of the digest to decide whether
this is appropriate or not.  I personally will just choose to ignore it.
Eric, my advise to you is that soapboxes can be very flimsy things to stand
on sometimes and you may fall off.
>I don't know where
>you come from, but here in the United States of America, we have something
>called "freedom of speech" and/or "freedom of expression."  Among other
>things, this means that no one person, despite position, title or status,
>has the right to "dictate" what others may or may not say.  Now, if you were
>complaining about people trashing Canon or Minolta or some other brand, then
>I would agree with you.  THAT wouldn't be "Nikon specific."  But this isn't
>the case and we WON'T "TAKE IT ELSEWHERE!"  Again, I don't meant to be
>disrespectful, I'm just asking that you be a little patient with those of us
>that don't quite fit your mold.
>Fellow Nikon Digest subscribers, I apologize for being on my soap box so
>long and I hope you understand my need to say this.

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