>> Also, I've just read two of Ansel Adams books on the Zone System and would
>> like to talk - off line - to anyone who can help me extrapolate this to
>> the pictures that I take.  Specifically, I'd like to:
>> 1.  scan a photograph or negative into my computer (not a problem)
>> 2.  convert the RGB values to % gray (I do not understand how to do this.)
>> 3.  convert the % gray to zones (I think I understand how to do this, but
>> I'd like some confirmation.)
>> 4.  print out the pictures in zones of gray for further study. (Not sure
>> that monitor RGB and printer density relate to %gray in the same manner.)

This sounds like an interesting study! However, I'm not sure it's
appropriate for today's technology...not that I'm saying that technology is
better than common sense and Ansel's expertise, but he invented the Zone
system in order to produce stunning negs/prints, at a time when scanners,
Epsons and computers didn't exist as such; I think you'll find that
Photoshop (as an expamle) will give you such a plethora of choices and
techniques (assuming you've mastered the software, as always...) that Ansel
himself would have salivated at the very thought! A trip to the 'Levels' and
'Curves' dialogue boxes will probably put you in charge of more zones than
were thought possible, and you may not even know that that's what you're
doing...I don't know enough about the zone system to give any tips for this,
but I certainly know enough about image editing; if you want to ask me
anything, feel free...

Best Wishes,



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