>What's the problem?  Can't make an intelligent comment without being
>insulting, eh?  I was under the impression most people on this list were
>professionals...  I won't change my opinion or admiration towards the Nikon
>Digest subscribers just because of you.  It's ironic, a lot of them
>disagreed with me and replied in private via e-mail, but NONE of them
>insulted me.
>Well, I guess I'm also "too stupid" to pay attention to you.  Thanks for
>mature, considerate advice.
>Eric D. Doncel
>California City, CA
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Frank Schiffel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Tuesday, January 12, 1999 9:35 AM
>Subject: quit whining on the Nikon list
>>I don't give a damn about your freedom of speech. if you're too stupid to
>understand what the price quoted over a phone is, go to LA, pay the 9% or
>whatever the hell the state tax is in California.
>>quit cluttering up the bandwidth with your infantile chattering about the
>price of your F-5.
>>where do you work CSC?
>>you're probably still waiting for the International Airport in Cal City.

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