Hi Panos, 

> I just read your message on the Nikon mailing list. I am also a Nikon
> owner (I have a F-601), but I am thinking of buying the FE2. 

That's perfect - I own both cameras. 

I really
> like the feel and solid construction of this camera, and I think it will
> serve my needs well. I only question 2 points (especially regarding
> hiking):

> 1) Don't you need the spot metering, especially when dealing with water
> or sky on the background? I use it a lot and I think I will miss it. Is
> it difficult to expose correctly with Center Weighted in those
> situations? (Do you shoot slides?)

I shoot only slides, so I also need a very precise metering system. 
Surprisingly, I get more good results with the FE2 than with the 
F-601; I suppose the meter and the shutter are more precise. Even 
with different light conditions center weighted metering is no 
problem if you are used to it. Just take the most important part of 
the picture in the circle on the screen, press the memory button and 
recompose the picture. I got very quickly acustomized to how much I 
have to correct the exposure (with the memory lock) to receive a 
certain result. This works much better than with the F-601, because 
the FE2 is much more center weighted. (This is also the reason why 
many beginners have very poor results with the FE2: being so close to 
spot metering, it is not forgiving at all.) 

> 2) What about autofocus? How difficult is it to manually focus on a
> hiking situation?

That depends on the picture. For nature I never use autofocus. In 
fact, I find AF disturbing for these pictures. Yet, for taking pictures of 
fellow hikers I miss the AF. Anyhow, it is just a little less 
comfortable and the fraction of sharp pictures goes down from 90% to 
75%. I can live with that and simly use some more film. 

By the way: The thing I miss most on the FE is the missing flash. 
Therefore I upgraded to the FE2 and use a simple SB-23. It works 
perfect. Just reduce by -1,7 for fill flash and -1 for outdoor 
flashes in the dark if ca. 50% of the image is covered by the person 
and the background is dark. 

Hope this helps! 


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