> Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 12:50:27 -0800 (PST)
> From: Stanley McManus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: 1999 AF-S lenses?? [v04.n193/10]
> Message: 10
> I predict that Nikon will next introduce a 400mm f/5.6 Silent wave
> lens.  Furthermore, I predict it will also be Nikon's first Image
> Stabilization lens.

        Okay, I was with ya 'til the "Image Stabilizaion" part.  I'm
        personally not betting Nikon will add this to the line -- look
        how long it took them to get the USM-equivalent?

        Anyway, as far as preditions for AF-S lenses in '99, I'll say

        o 20-35/2.8D AF-S update --OR-- 18-35/2.8D AF-S replacement lens
        o 300/4D AF-S
        o 200-400/4D AF-S  :*)

                                               | Christopher Somers
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