Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 10:34:37 +0200
From: Ilkka Haapavirta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: N90s battery usage with MB10 - my solution [v04.n189/7] 
Message: 10

Jian Luo wrote:
"... by checking the archives, I found out that many of you who have an
MB10 also complained about the power problem but no real solution was
" So my conclusion: the N90s in combination with the MB10 really needs
extra power. The extra powered batteries can resolve this problem, at
least it works for me..."

Jian, I'm sorry to say, but your conclusion does not make sence.  The
MB-10 is 'nothing more' than an alternative battery holder which
connects to the same battery terminals and uses the same amount of cells
as the main battery (plus the vertical shutter, of course).
[Jian Luo]  Ilkka,
Theoretically you're totally correct. But how about practice? Have you ever
tried the MB10 with 'normal' AA batteries? Or you can also find many
complaints from the archives of this mailing list: just search for the 'magic'
word "MB10" and then you know what I meant.
I still can easily "reproduce" the mentioned problem on my N90s easily!!!
I really don't know what, if there is any, electronics exists inside the the 
(don't forget the extra shutter release button...).

You are right that the F90X needs good quality batteries, are they
located in the camera body or in the MB-10. I have had no problems with
or without the MB-10 while using good Varta batteries in both cases.
[Jian Luo]  You are lucky! I should have used better batteries from the
beginning. Then I wouldn't have noticed the problem at all.

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