> Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 16:20:44 -0800 (PST)
> From: Frederic Sourgen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Manual Nikkor 35mm [v04.n195/5]
> Message: 5

Frederic, you asked about the 35/2 AF-D as a possible lens to use on
your FE2.

I haven't used this specific lens (although it is on my wish list).  I
have, however, used an AF 28/2.8D as a manual-focus lens on a
Nikkormat FTn camera many times.

The focusing is definitely looser than proper manual-focus lenses. 
However, I find the mechanical performance to be satisfactory.  The
focus ring is amply wide and comfortable to use.

The optical performance is, of course, wonderful.

You may want to see if you can borrow a 35/2 (or a 28/2.8 or 50/1.4 or
some lens that will feel similar to the 35/2) to see if the feel is
fine.  From what I have heard of the AF 35/2D, that is definitely the
lens you want to buy.  :)

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