Javier wrote:

> Last month I purchased a half price films because they are going to be out
> of date in Febrary. These are Kodad Royal Gold 200 and 400. I have already
> developed 3 and they are Ok, but I've got come more, and maybe I will have
> to develop them in March.
> Is there anybody who Knows what happend if they become prints one or two
> months after expired?

Javier, if you're worried about it, keep the film in the fridge. I quite
often buy large batches (100 rolls or so) of Ektachrome 100 which is a year
out of date. I use it to do professional jobs; it's perfectly fine, and
*very* cheap!
The only thing you have to watch out for is how it's been stored before you
bought it...as long as it's been fridged, it'll be OK for ages.

Best Wishes,



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