As usual, much depends on your personal type of photography.  If you are
happy with the 35-80, it would be cheaper to buy a 24 or 28mm lens than the
24-120 and keep your 35-80.  I bought the 24-120 and have two problems with
it: it is very SLOW over 85mm, and the Nikon 72mm polarizing filter is
expensive and BIG.  Some posters complain about distortion, I haven't had
any trouble, but architecture is not my photographic style.  Two good points
are 24mm wide end and close focus distance is good at approx. .5m.

I am thinking of selling my 24-120 when the 28-105 3.5-4.5 comes out.  As an
outdoor, daylight travel lens the 24-120 is fine.  I just find too many
situations where it is too slow.  My trusty old 35-135 3.5-4.5 workhorse
seemed better, so I plan to go back to that aperature range. 
Best of luck, Chuck

> Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 20:57:50 +0100
> From: Lukasz Ligezinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: lens selection [v04.n197/9]
> Message: 9
> Hi all.
> Again I ask for your advice. I have a F70 with 35-80, and
> I would like to have a wider lance. From all your posts 
> I learnt that best selections are primes, but I cannot
> afford it. I was thinking about 24-120 but it's not cheap
> either. Can anybody suggest a lance like 24-120 but cheaper,
> it does not have to be a Nikkor, but it should be wide (20
> or 24),
> or should I save up to 24-120.
> Thanks in advance.
> - -- 
> - --------------------------------------------
>            Lukasz Ligezinski
>       Poznan University of Technology
>         e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> If you live in a country run by committee, 
>           be on the committee.
> - --------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------

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