I have just switched from the Canon EOS50E+ Speedlite 540EZ and it
always worked properly. One of the reason to make this decision was
Nikon 3D metering and flash system. Today I have bought brand new SB-28
and I have installed it on my brand new F90x+MB10. For my surprise SB-28
begin to fire from time to time without any reason. After while I found
that generally it appears when the system is moved or rotated. I have
checked the shoe and turned the lock ring to the end "till my fingers
started bleeding" and it seems the problem has gone but: Is it normal ?
Has anybody had the same problem ? Is it a symptom of any disaster which
could came to my system ?
In my old Canon life I had put the flash on the body with or without
locking and it worked corectly so maybe it is only a litlle disadvantage
of Nikon and I could sleep without wondering.

Thanks in advance

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