>I'm prepared to buy a good quality desktop slide scanner and recently my
>heart set on fire for Nikon LS-30 Coolscan III scanner. User comments, pros
>and cons welcome.

The hardware appears to have the quality we expect of Nikon, and the ICE
feature that deals with dust and scratches is a big time-saver. (The scans
otherwise are extremely sensitive to defects.)

But you absolutely MUST experience the software before you buy.
"eMediaWeekly" gave the scanner a poor rating overall due to the software,
but I bought it anyway, thinking "How bad could it be? It's just a
scanner." Well, it turned out to be the worst software I have ever used. By
far. It is astonishingly, breathtakenly bad in all areas of form, fit and

I can't elaborate without getting emotional, so don't ask, please. Software
should have Beauty, like our photos and our F5's; the CoolScan III software
should be purged from human record.

Curt Austin, Cincinnati

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