>And finally the $1000000 last question : is it possible to use 
>high synchr. speed with the N70/SB25 combo (I mean higher than 
>1/125)? I've beenreading a lot on it (in mailing lists and 
>magazines) and half of the people think it is whereas the rest 
>thinks it's not. Did somenone REALLY succeed having a 1/4000 
>speed? The problem is that the N70 has been made after the SB-25. 
>So nothing is said on the N70 in the SB-25 manual...Thanks a lot 
>in advance
>Raphael Magnee

Sorry Raphael, but to get High Speed Synchro you have to ante up
to at least the N90s/F90x body.  The N70 only goes to 1/125.



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