>Looking to buy a 300mm lense. Can't afford the f2.8 nikors. Was
>wondering what everyone thought of the 300mm f4 nikor. When using in day
>light shooting wild life what film speed (ISO) do most folks use.
>Mike Rohde
I  got mine for about 3 years now and realy enjoy shooting with it. The 2.8
would be nice but the f4 has the advantage of being much lighter which is
very convenient when you have to walk long distances. The optical quality is
exelent and there are also good reports on the lens.

One drawback for me is that there are no proper teleconverters for the lens.
I use the Kenko 2* with it. In low light conditions it tends to hunt quite a
lot, but with sufficient light and the lens opened up an f-stop or two the
autofocus is quite good. The optical quality is also not acceptable for me
at f4 but at 5.6 and 8 it nearly matches the quality of the lens on its own.

With regards to film I used to shoot only with Velvia for a long time. For
the sake of one f-stop I have switched to Kodak E100S for wildlife and
birds. Its a great film and quite comparible to Velvia.

Hope this helps

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