
I have 3 bodies  (2 F90 bodies, and 1 F90x body), and I had all three
programmed to leave film leader out.  Even with 3 bodies, I still do a fair
amount of changing film in and out half-way through the roll.  It has to do
with me having print film in the one body for snapshots, and slide film in
the other two bodies for my own personal work.  When I do a shoot for
someone else, I then need to change to whatever film they want it shot on,
whether print or slide, and I obviously need to rewind my roll of film.  

Why do I keep all three bodies loaded with *my* film ??
Because it would be odd to have a high-spec body laying around, without any
film.  You lose shots changing lenses the whole time, so why not use
different lenses on two bodies ??  So both my bodies with slide film are
always loaded with film.

Why don't I just continue to shoot for the client on whichever body has
whichever type of film ??
Because the client usually wants the sheets of transparencies, and would be
suspicious if one of the sheets started on half a roll of film, and not
with frame 1.   (It is just easier all round to shoot for any client
specifically on a new roll of film.  And imagine for example, trying to
tell a lab to just an idenx print of the first 14 shots, and then do 5x7
prints of the rest --  it is just easier to shoot on differnt rolls of film.)

Using a film leader extractor is clumsy, as opposed to just popping out of
the camera body with the film with leader already out.  I haven't had any
problems with multiple exposures, since I make sure I double rewind all
films I want the leader IN.  It takes a conscious decision to do it, and
you get used to that way of operating your camera - by just double
rewinding every roll.

btw .. the top-of-the-line Pentax body, the Pentax Z-1p, also allows the
user the choice of whether to have the film leader in or out at will, just
like Canon and Minolta's top-end cameras do.  So of the four main
manufacturers, Nikon is the (clumsy) odd one out.


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